3 April 2000
[Books] Here’s the first chapter of Man and Boy. Tony Parson’s chats about his book in talkUnlimited.
[funny] Report from The Onion: New E-Toilet To Revolutionize On-Line Shitting. “In the near future everyone will shit on-line.”
[misc] BBC News asks: Could you ditch your mobile?
[doom] Terrific new ZDoom wad available for download: Hell Factory
2 April 2000
[BBC] According to newsUnlimited it’s night of the long knives time at the BBC [Text Only]. There’s also another report concentrating on Greg Dyke’s hatred of hierarchy. It’s time to admit that I work for BBC Resources so am not exactly uninterested in this story!
[Books] Interview with Nick Hornby about the new film of his book High Fidelity. [Via Ghost in the Machine]
[internet] newsUnlimited meets the man who sued the world [Text Only]. Very interesting profile of Laurence Godfrey — he sued Demon a UK ISP after it failed to removed some nasty comments about him posted on soc.culture.thai Usenet newsgroup [BBC News Story] .
1 April 2000
[Mayor for London] Let’s have a heated debate! David Frost tackles the four main contenders for Mayor of London.
[the world only makes sense when you force it to] These three links caused my head to ache yesterday: The Universe is a Holgram? Guh? Mount Etna blows smoke rings? Muh? Finally, a Newsunlimited article about what’s happening about cloning around the world. [Text-Only] Duh?
[Mayor for London] NewsUnlimited reports and carries a video of Frank Dobson saying “Ooh! You Amaze Me!” I seem to be missing the point on this one. Someone enlighten me please?
31 March 2000
[telly] Remember Monkey? It’s being rereleased on video…. The Guardian does a profile of this weird TV Programme from the 80’s. ‘The Nature of Monkey was Irrepressible!’
[Comics] Lots of comics links today… but this link was to good to pass up…. a column about… erm…. Bizarre Breasts in comic books [via]
[Comics] I’ve been buying the Stormwatch TPB’s that cover most of Warren Ellis’ run on the book. It’s good stuff — but I was totally confused about which order to read them in. There are four books… anyway I found this posting and all is suddenly clear… Oh yeah, Warren’s just posted a new Come In Alone column as well…
[politics] New Labour is experiencing some mid-term jitters according to various press reports. Local elections plus the London Mayor’s race are fast approaching Two reports — from Newsunlimited and BBC News [Low Graphics].
[GM] Excellent! You can now browse the OneList archives of The Invisibles and TemporaryNexus mailing lists by each individual post rather than by daily digest versions.
30 March 2000
[Comics] Diamond Previews covers Grant Morrison’s Marvel Boy. [scroll to the botton of the page!]
[quote] “What’ll it be next? Choice extracts from the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations? Trotting out the Nietzsche and the Shelley to dignify some old costumed claptrap? Probably. Sometimes you wonder, in an interconnected universe, who’s dreaming who?”Grant Morrison (1989)
[tech] Fuck Outlook Express! I hate it… I’m going back to my roots and downloading Peagsus Mail for Windows!
[tech] BT and Amstrad release e-m@iler — a telephone that allows pay-as-you-go access to email without a computer. Here’s a BBC News report.
29 March 2000
[music] Mick Jagger’s schooldays sound just as pointlessly violent and stupid as mine. “The most damaging revelation comes from friend and classmate Dick Taylor who dents his later hellraising image. “He wasn’t a rebel in any way, shape or form. He was one of the best-spoken people there, ” he said.”
[movies] Interview in the Guardian with Oliver Stone.“There’s a few things I’ve been. Hedonist. Moralist. Conspiracist. Misogynist – which I hate because, God, I love women.” Here’s a list of Mr Stone’s Films. Great stuff — my personal favourite is JFK, by the way. However, I don’t believe in any of the conspiracy theories! Okay?
[Mac] Microsoft releases IE 5 for Macintosh. There also a beta version of Media Player available. Here’s a review of IE5.
28 March 2000
[Mayor for London] Norris proposes 24hr Tube on Friday and Saturday. I’m surprised nobody else thought of this — but I’d always assumed it was not possible to run a 24hr tube in London due to technical reasons? More reports of fresh allegations against Livingstone regarding his financial affairs.
[just plain weird] The story of Sealand as reported by the Guardian. Basic ingredients: two websites [#1] [#2], an offshore gun-tower seven miles of the Suffolk coast, an eccentric English couple and an international smuggling ring!
[Comics] Interview with Grant Morrison in ifuse. Nice review of Morrison’s Kissing Mr Quimper in The Independent. [via The Invisibles Mailing List]
27 March 2000
Interesting article about Ali G. Apparently he’s the face of Channel 4?