21 April 2000
[comics] Pretty unbelievable rumour: Michael Jackson and Stan Lee to buy Marvel comics? [check out the “Who’s bad” Section]
20 April 2000
[comics] Box Office Poison is one of my favorite comics at the moment.
[politics] Tory MP admits to surfing for porn: New Forest West’s Desmond Swayne told MPs it was only the Commons division bell that stopped him from lingering with a sense of “fascination” over a porn site.
[news] Ricky leaves Eastenders… newsUnlimited has the story [Text Only]and so does BBC News [low graphics]. From newsUnlimited: “Ricky stumbled onto our screens in 1988, and fate has pissed mercilessly into his eyes ever since. It’s been nothing but disappointment, heartbreak, humiliation and plodding, battleship-grey drudgery. And while he may not have suffered with dignity – there’s nothing dignified about him – he has at least avoided pulling an “Arthur Fowler” and plunging into full-blown mental unhingery. Until now.”
19 April 2000
[weblogs] Well it had to happen: newsUnlimited has a weblog.
[mayor for london] Another webapp to help you choose your mayor: VoteMonkey [requires Java]
[news] newsUnlimited meets the oldest women and man in the world. [Text Only] “Draining the last from another bottle of beer he stands up, clutching his documents. ‘Right, I’ve had enough. I want everyone to fuck off because I’m tired.’ He walked off, leaving a little pile of empty beer bottles and two cigarette ends, marking his place in time”
[web] DigiGuide is a great web application which allows you to download TV schedules for UK TV programmes and view them off-line.
[film] filmUnlimited interviews Harry Enfield about Kevin & Perry Go Large.
[comics] Steve Bell’s favourite comics.
18 April 2000
[tech/mp3] I’ve finally got Audiograbber to rip from CD’s on NT. I’ve also started using Lame to encode the MP3’s. Both come highly recommended…
[comics] Whatever happened to Joe Matt?
[comics] Alan’s Moore’s Twilight of the Superheroes can still be found on the web — if you know where to look. . ‘We have a powerful and intense sequence where Superman manages to smash his way through a lot of the alien forces single-handed while being ring-whipped by the Lanterns, only to finally be beaten to death in single combat by the massive and frighteningly powerful Sodal Yat.’
17 April 2000
[south park] nme interviews South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
[comics] The 2000AD Links Project is full of interesting web sites about the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic.
16 April 2000
[MP3] New versions of Winamp and Audiograbber have been released. Download here: Winamp 2.62 and Audiograbber 1.62.
It’s been a “Whassup?” kind of weekend: Star Wars Wassup [via Camworld]
[tech] Computer’s rot childrens brains reports newsUnlimited.
15 April 2000
[film] Time Code 2000 looks like a very interesting film. BBC News has a report.
[funny] South Park Wassup? [Via Ghost in the Machine]
[funny] Someone’s released the source for Windows 2000! [via random($foo)]
[funny] Superfriends Whassup?
14 April 2000
[news] Shergar is still missing in action.
[Mp3] Metallica sues Napster: “it is sickening to know that our art is being traded like a commodity rather than the art that it is.” Guh?
13 April 2000
[Comics] Frank Miller to do a sequel to Batman: Dark Knight Returns?