1 October 2000
[music] Radiohead are interviewed in The Observer… ”The middle-class thing has never been relevant,’ he spits. ‘We live in Oxford, and in Oxford we’re fucking lower class. The place is full of the most obnoxious, self-indulgent, self-righteous oiks on the fucking planet, and for us to be called middle class… well, no, actually. Be around on May Day when they all reel out of the pubs at five in the morning puking up and going “haw haw haw” and trying to hassle your girlfriend…”
[movies] The Observer on “special editions / director’s cuts” of films — includes mentions of The Exorcist and Apocalypse Now‘The Apocalypse Now Book, published by Faber this month, contains a detailed description of the five-hour film. The French plantation sequence is the most fully formed and vital omission. For those who have even a casual acquaintance with Apocalypse Now, it comes after the death of Larry Fishburne’s teenage conscript Clean, when the boat commandeered by Willard (Martin Sheen) pulls up to a fog-bound quay which leads to the genteel quarters of a group of colonial French. The US soldiers eat dinner with the French, and Willard shares an opium pipe and bed with a young woman.’
[degrees of seperation] What is Adolf Hitler’s Kevin Bacon Number? 2! ‘Adolf Hitler was in Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) with Maximilian Schell. Maximilian Schell was in Telling Lies in America (1997) with Kevin Bacon’ [idea via NTK’s Hitler Filmography… ]
30 September 2000
[burchill] Julie Burchill — Conspiracy theories and Paula Yates: ‘Come on down, Muriel, Justine, Jane, Deborah, Yvonne. The byline was different, but the sob remained the same: Paula Yates Died For Our Sins; Paula Yates, Innocent Victim Of A Feeding-Frenzied Media; Tragic Paula, Broken Butterfly On The Wheel Of Misogyny. Paula, We Hardly Knew You! What Are We Doing? What Does It Mean? Where Are We Going? Where Have We Been? What’s It All About, Alfie!’
[comics] The Twilight Gallery — Alan Moore’s epic Twilight of the Superheroes is brought to life as various comics artists take a passage from the proposal and sketch it out… John Totleben: ‘Y’know, when I started doing [the Doll Man sketch] I realized that what Alan was probably after was something like The Fly (the one with Jeff Goldblum). Around the time the Twilight proposal was being conceived, I had a conversation with Alan about that movie. He liked it quite a bit, but was especially amused by the part where Brundlefly was interviewing himself and talking about how he’d like to become an insect-politician. Somehow, I think that must have worked its way into his design for the Doll Man character, either intentionally or subconciously. I just played off of that’ [Related Link: Earlier Post On LMG]
[mp3 gnutella] From the Nullsoft Website: ‘”we didn’t get into this ‘space’ cuz we’re internet gold seeking cockos. we’re legitimate nihilistic media terrorists as history will no doubt canonize us.” -Rob Lord, June 9, 2000′ [via Salon Article On Gnutella]
29 September 2000
[metafilter] Great posting on Metafilter: ‘130 Years old! See! God may not exist, but technology will outpace religion and THEN I will live FOREVER!’
[comics] The Onion AV Club interviews Will Eisner. Eisner on the origin of the term “graphic novel”: ‘Yes, that’s a true story. I was sitting there on the telephone talking to this guy, and I said, “I have this new thing for you, something very new.” And he said, “What is it?” And I looked at it and realized that if I said, “A comic book,” he would hang up. He was a very busy guy, and this was a top-level publishing house. So I called it a graphic novel, and he said, “Oh, that’s interesting. Bring it up!” I brought it to him. He looked at it, looked at me over his granny glasses, and said, “You know, it’s still a comic. We can’t publish that kind of stuff.”‘
[manics] Steve Lamacq reports on “the most disturbing” moment in 90’s pop — when Richey Edwards from the Manic Street Preachers cut ‘4 REAL’ into his arm with a razor…. ‘Nottingham Forest were playing and bassist Nicky Wire and singer James Dean Bradfield spent their pre-gig downtime in the hotel bar watching the match on TV. James was wearing a ludicrously long shiny mac. During the 15-minute drive to the venue, he sat at the back of the bus and refused to be drawn into conversation. I remember thinking: “Well, this is a good start. He hates me and I don’t like his coat.”‘
28 September 2000
[the originals] In the beginning… there were only three Brit weblogs that I was aware of… Bifurcated Rivets, Barbelith and Daily Doozer… Doozer vanished earlier this year and there was much wailing, gnashing of teeth and pointless hitting of the RELOAD button… until today… Doozer is back… with a new design and name: extenuating circumstances. ‘There’s a few other reasons as well: how could I honestly stand back while the rest of the UK blogger community got their fame on Radio 4 and the Evening Standard? Or when my brother got interviewed by .net magazine? Exactly. Piece of the pie for me now, please. Oooh, and this whole weblogging lark is wonderful.’ Excellent news. Somebody give that man his pie right now….
[music] Ever wondered what was the No. 1 in the UK on the day you were born? Mine was: “The number 1 on the 31st March 1970 was Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon And Garfunkel.” [via Bloglet]
[sci-fi] Guardian Unlimited interviews Arthur C. Clarke as he promotes his new book… ‘The book, with its vision of a relentlessly voyeuristic society, includes a memorable sex scene on a bench in 2041AD Rome. Who wrote the sex bits, I wonder? “I had an operation for prostate cancer 10 years ago,” Clarke says. “I haven’t the slightest interest in sex. But you have to keep up with reality.”‘
[random link dump] These links have been sitting around waiting for something to tag them to which never came along: Old Salon interview with Jay McInerney, Slashdot review of Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon, Comics worth Reading and finally, Alan Moore — famous vegetarian!
27 September 2000
[cartoon] Yet another Steve Bell cartoon — the time regarding yesterday’s Tony Blair sweat meltdown ‘Boiling down to our irreducible core.’
pollock detail[art] Disinformation wonders if Jackson Pollock was a stooge of the CIA‘Since there was no political content, no theme to the work, in fact, there was often nothing at all but the most self-obsessed swirls in Pollock’s huge canvases, his art was easily commandeered and made a weapon. Stalin could hug as many children and lead as many peasants to the wheat fields in an evil Norman Rockwell universe as he liked, Pollock’s empty confusion spoke to the people of a shattered Europe, the wizards of America’s corporate towers and their brainwashed suburban peasants. Behind the mess and splashes of paint, there was something scary and profound enough to be real.’
[blair] Fantastic “sketch” of Tony Blair’s conference speech yesterday by Simon Hoggart: ‘He began with a ringing battlecry. “We’re crap!” he told the adoring delegates. “Yes, we’re crap, but we’re not as crappy as the other lot!” He didn’t put it quite like that, of course, but that was what he meant. It was that rarest moment, an apology from a politician. The dome, the fuel crisis, pensions, even prime minister’s question time. But he was sorry, God he was sorry. He’d never do it again. Would a bunch of flowers help?’
[] Attachments — The weblog verdict is in. Notsosoft: “It was quite simply the fact that is was just shite.”. One Day Soon: “Let me just come straight out with it: I actually quite liked it.”. LukeLog: “There’s nothing here a bunch of Prozac and TV for Dummies books won’t fix.” Cuckoo Kid: “I just finished watching Attachments and I have to say it was like a foil wrapped turd: flashy but still a turd.” Prolific 2000: “Who wants to watch a series about an internet company (Attachments, BBC2) when you work in one yourself?”
26 September 2000
[dotcom drama] From NTK, Everybody Hates Attachments: On screen: the naked skater frantically types some CSS… only minutes later, he’s moved onto: some more CSS… Comments: …does his entire job consist of writing stylesheets? he’s so overqualified; he can.. traceroute the.. ip.. header from the, uh, the mail! can’t remember cock size; must watch bbc choice rerun.”
[british weblogs] Just noticed this BritBlogs webring‘BritBlogs was created on 16 September 2000 because I didn’t find any webrings which were for British blogs, there were webrings for Austrailian blogs, and Candian Blogs, not for British blogs… So here it is…!’
[attachments] BBC News covers the new TV Series Attachments‘Seethru’s coder Reece is an offensive, drug-taking womaniser. Designer Jake is a self-obsessed drama queen with ambiguous sexuality and a domineering dad. Lesbian content manager Sophie is outspoken in the extreme – and writes a particularly offensive column. Then there’s socially inept programmer Brandon. He is so shy that his only release is to skateboard naked around the office when everyone else has gone home.’
[walken] Guardian Unlimited accuses Christopher Walken of being mild. Apparently his real name is Ronnie and he wants to do a cookery programme on TV… ‘Measured by his screen persona, the 57-year-old actor is anything but normal. Take the wheelchair-ridden Man With The Plan in Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead, or the psychotic mob boss Vincenzo Coccotti in True Romance. Indeed, many thought his performance as the demented Frank White in the super-violent gangster flick King Of New York was his most extreme – until last year’s Wildside showed him whipping his chauffeur with his underpants while attempting to sodomise him at gunpoint.’
25 September 2000
[frank Butcher mp3] This made my day: My Name is… Frank Butcher! [via Bloglet, Related Link: Frank Butcher’s Philosophical Car Lot]
[books] Stephen King writes about the car accident that almost killed him…. ‘He and Bullet left the campground where they were staying, he later tells an investigator, because he wanted ‘some of those Marzes-bars they have up to the store’. When I hear this little detail some weeks later, it occurs to me that I have nearly been killed by a character right out of one of my own novels. It’s almost funny.’
[hey kids! comics!] A while ago Luke from LukeLog asked me to suggest some comics he might like…. Here’s my suggestions and I would imagine they are suitable for any “comics newbie”: From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell, Ghost World by Daniel Clowes, Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, Why I Hate Saturn by Kyle Baker, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller. General suggestions: anything by Peter Bagge, anything by Alan Moore, anything by Frank Miller, anything by Grant Morrison.
24 September 2000
[the horror!] What is Mr Winkle? ‘The project was inspired by the incredibly funny reactions to Mr. Winkle every time Regan took him in public. “It’s an alien!” screamed the cable repair man. “It’s a cat in a dog suit,” surmised an out-of-work actor. “It’s the reincarnation of the divinity!” enthused a woodworking poet. Kids of all ages are especially mesmerized by Mr. Winkle, most believing he is a stuffed animal come to life or an embodiment of their favorite pop culture character – Pokeman, Ewok, Japanese cartoon character – Mr.Winkle resembles them all.’ [via Barbelith Underground]
[big brother aftermath] The Observer does an interview with Anna“Then there was Nick. ‘He fooled us all,’ sighs Anna, without a trace of indulgence, ‘and he fooled the nation so much more because everyone’s intrigued and adores him. I’m just like, “Nick, you just need help.” I was so dim, I just didn’t see it.’ Maybe she didn’t see it because he never showed her his little pieces of paper.”
23 September 2000
[eugenics] Guardian Unlimited reports on a new book alleging that an American scientist infected thousands of South American Indians with a measles-like virus [in the process killing hundreds] to test a theory on the effects of natural selection on a primitive society. ‘Prof Turner says that Neel held the view that “natural” human society, as seen before the advent of large-scale agriculture, consists of small, genetically isolated groups in which dominant genes – specifically a gene he believed existed for “leadership” or “innate ability” – have a selective advantage. In such an environment, male carriers of this gene would gain access to a disproportionate number of females, reproducing their genes more frequently than less “innately able” males. The result would supposedly be a continual upgrading of the human genetic stock. He says Neel believed that in modern societies “superior leadership genes would be swamped by mass genetic mediocrity”.’
[this means war!] Overnight I recieved 8 spam messages about wild & hot teens, home loans and herbal viagra. I have little doubt that me and SpamCop are about to renew our acquaintance….
[more kellogs] A great quote from the good Dr Kellogg: ‘A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision…The operation should be performed by a surgeon without administering an anesthetic, as the brief pain attending the operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind…In females, the author has found the application of pure carbolic acid to the clitoris an excellent means of allaying the abnormal excitement.’