12 October 2000
[politics] Reuters profiles Margaret Thatcher on her 75th birthday. Still mad as ever: ‘Last month she won a standing ovation in Washington, D.C. for her reply to a question about what she thought of U.S. First Lady Hillary Clinton “I don’t.” Last week she told the BBC that Britain’s war record showed it should not become “entangled” with its European neighbors.”We’re quite the best country. We rescued them,” she said. “We’ve got to keep our own independence. Is that clear?”’ [via Robert Brook]
11 October 2000
[music] I Hate Music on Radiohead’s Kid A: ‘Some of you readers may have noticed that Radiohead have got a new record coming out. Goodness knows how, there’s barely been a mention of it on the web or in the music press after all. Oh, wait, excuse me while I utter a weak consumptive laugh and spit bloody bile into a handkerchief. Judging by the ever-growing shitstorm of expectations and expectorations around Kid Arse, you’d have thought a second moon had been seen in the sky and Thom Yorke, pinch-faced poster boy for self-pitying prigs the world over, had been the first man to walk on it.’
[bbc] Nice BBC Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends weekly preview‘Louis goes to stay and play with gangsta rappers, body-builders, gurus and the South African far-right. Weird people? Maybe. Great TV? Definitely.’
[eminem] Netnotes asks: Who is Eminem? ‘6. He still faces legal action from his grandmother (for sampling his dead uncle’s voice) and has only just settled with his wife, Kim, who demanded custody of their child and $10m for a song in which he fantasises about killing her.’
10 October 2000
[cartoon] Yet Another fantastic Steve Bell cartoon on Hague, drugs and Widdecombe
[yugoslavia] Guardian Unlimited looks at the corruption surrounding Slobodan Milosevic’s family‘Three days ago Marko and his family left Pozarevac, the Milosevics’ home town, in three black jeeps. As he did, rioters looted his internet cafe and destroyed advertising for his disco Madonna. His nearby lurid Disney-esque theme park, Bambiland, has been closed since the summer, thanks to a popular boycott.’
[weblogs] redesigns. Not sure if I like it… weblogs is part of my daily surfing routine so any changes looks weird… however, Webloging in the UK remains the same.
9 October 2000
[drudge report] Guardian Unlimited interviews and profiles Matt Drudge — The Earl Of URL? ‘”This wasn’t supposed to happen,” he says, taking time between the non-stop ringing of his telephone to talk about himself and his book. “I was never supposed to be this successful. I just got lucky. I had a window of opportunity and I flung my entire body through it. All my dreams have been fulfilled and now I’m waiting for the nightmares.”‘ [Related Link: Drudge Report]
[letter from america] Alistair Campbell has been covering America for the BBC since 1946… Here’s a classic letter from 1968 — an eyewitness account of the assasination of Bobby Kennedy… ‘Last Tuesday night, for the first time in thirty years, I found myself by one casual chance in a thousand, on hand in a small, narrow serving pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, a place that I suppose will never be wiped out of my memory: a sinister alley, a Roman circus run amok, and a charnel house. It would be quite false to say, as I should truly like to say, that I’m sorry I was there. It’s more complicated than that.’
6 October 2000
[LMG] I’m changing the oil in LinkMachineGo and giving it a bit of a rest… back next week.
[mallrats] Long, interesting interview with Jason Lee [Mallrats and Chasing Amy]. Lee On Mallrats: ‘I had no idea. Again, being as far out of the loop as I was – the wide-eyed new kid on the block – I was thinking this was going to be the greatest, most successful film of all time. I had these hopes and dreams, so I was a bit disappointed once I found over the weekend that it didn’t do well – which meant to me, not dollars, but that people didn’t see it. That was a letdown for me. But now it’s gone on to be a classic, in a lot of ways for a lot of Kevin’s fans – and he has many – that’s their favorite movie.’ [Related Links: The View Askewniverse]
Jimmy Corrigan Cover[comics] covers Chris Ware and his new bookJimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth‘Ware was 29 years old, and more than halfway through the writing of the book, when he first met his own father. Their meeting, too, was tentative and awkward — and tinged with anger. “I was probably a little hostile,” said Ware. “There were so many regrets …” His father died a short time later. “I added it all up once — the few meetings we had, the few times we talked on the phone,” said Ware. “In total, I knew my father for just about five hours.”‘
[drugs] In the wake of Ann Widdecombe’s proposals Guardian Unlimited asks a number of “the establishment” if they use cannabis and do they inhale? ‘The proposal is miserably retrograde. Cannabis should be legalised. I’ve experimented with it myself, but I’m not telling you if I take it now; if I say that she’ll be round here, won’t she?’ — Martin Amis
[manics] Manic Street Preachers – In Their Own Words ‘To be universal, you’ve got to stain the consciousness of the people. You’ve got to dig out a truth that everybody knows, but they don’t want to hear, then tell it in a manner that’s so articulate and so aesthetically indignant, so beautiful, that they’ve got to accept it back in their lives again.’
5 October 2000
[Lord Melchard] Great interview with Stephen Fry in Guardian Unlimited. Fry on the Daily Mail: ‘There’s a name for my pain – the Daily Mail. It symbolises bourgeois fear: fear of outsiders, fear of anything different. Someone should write a book about how uniquely wrong about everything the Daily Mail has always been. It typifies everything that is most shaming about this country in terms of its lurches towards xenophobia and fear: everything in the name of the family, that horrible capital F for family. It’s become what the state was for a Stalinist: everything that is done in the name of the family is acceptable.’
[shoes] Two Pairs. No excuses… I’m a simple unsophisticated lad from Norfolk. Untouched by London ways…
[saville] Jimmy Saville is Dead — according to Chris Morris. [Requires Sound] ‘The majority if not all of them are extremely relieved that he is now dead although I suspect that some of them will be sorry that he didn’t suffer a great deal more.’ [Related Links: rethink’s Chris Morris Guff]
[weblogs] It’s as easy as falling off a weblog — Guardian Unlimited takes a look at weblogs… ‘Only in the past year has software been developed which allows people to get blogging with the minimum of know-how: Blogger, the most celebrated of these, has just celebrated its first birthday and its 40,000th user. But although Pyra, the company that created it, is rightly praised for increasing the number of webloggers, Blogger has also spawned “link-sluts” – cliquey, second-generation webloggers who link to better blogs in the hope of a link in return. Despite Blogger’s impressive figures, the number of quality weblogs hasn’t quite reached critical mass.’
[pizza!] I’ve recently been introduced [thanks, Teresa!] to the the wonderful Eco Pizzeria in Clapham, South London. Highly recommended… ‘The pizzas themselves are formidable. Twelve inchers can look a bit daunting to the faint hearted, but fear not, the dough is wonderfully crisp and light, and the toppings are generous and moist. [..] If you want to eat well without spending a fortune and drink well into the bargain, in a buzzy place that’s – well funky’s what we said, we still recommend ECO for best pizzeria South of the River.’ [Contact: Eco Pizzeria, 162 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UG Tel: 0207 978 1108]
4 October 2000
[countryside] Guardian Unlimited on the Countryside Alliance. ‘It would be easy for the Labour leadership to dismiss the Alliance. This is an organisation with a predominantly Tory membership whose central aim has been to preserve the right to kill foxes and which readily compares Tony Blair to Adolf Hitler. One poster which bore its logo depicted the gay agriculture minister, Nick Brown, as a man “who loves gays and buggers the countryside”. The logo also appeared in the magazine Earth Dog, Running Dog – from which the Alliance distanced itself. The publication described the black MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, Oona King, as “typical of her species”, and told her to “direct her talents to advising her scrounging supporters on how to claim more handouts”.’
[useful maps] UK Based Multimap have redesigned — looks good, faster — and have a great London Tube Map.
[degrees of seperation] Margaret Thatcher has a Bacon Number of three‘Margaret Thatcher was in Some Mother’s Son (1996) with David (I) O’Hara David (I) O’Hara was in Link (1986) with Elisabeth Shue Elisabeth Shue was in Hollow Man (2000) with Kevin Bacon ‘ [Related Links: Thatcher at IMDB, Bacon at IMDB]
[king] Stephen King — the early years of bitter struggle‘Harry had hooks instead of hands as a result of a tumble into the sheet-mangler during the Second World War (he was dusting the beams above the machine and fell off). A comedian at heart, he would sometimes duck into the bathroom and run water from the cold tap over one hook and water from the hot tap over the other. Then he’d sneak up behind you while you were loading laundry and lay the steel hooks on the back of your neck. Rocky and I spent a fair amount of time speculating on how Harry accomplished certain bathroom clean-up activities. ‘Well,’ Rocky said one day while we were drinking our lunch in his car, ‘at least he doesn’t need to wash his hands.”
[rate my blog!!] I’ve tried to resist the temptation, honest — go rate LinkMachineGo
3 October 2000
[fungus in space!!] Space Fungus attacks the Mir Space Station. Life will always find a way… ‘Linenger, author of “Off the Planet,” a book about his experiences on Mir, said that he did not see any evidence that fungi or bacteria on the craft caused health problems. But he added that the station had “a strong smell of fungal contamination” – a smell he called “mushroomy” in his book – and that “there were areas you wouldn’t want to stick your hand in”.’ [via Slashdot]
[mugshots] The G-Files present a Celebrity Mug Shot Gallery‘Like anyone else charged with a crime, celebrities must be photographed by police after being arrested, and those images then become a matter of public record.’
[paula yates] pays tribute to the “original pop tart” — Paula Yates. ‘Some of us are born great. Some of us achieve greatness. And others have a pop star’s cock thrust upon them.’ [original link to Nishlord via Notsoft]
2 October 2000
[stringfellow] The Guardian interviews Peter Stringfellow. ‘Stringfellow says 60 is a suitable age to take life more seriously, share his wisdom, help William [Hague] become prime minister. “I have all the toys, man. It’s all here. I have a club full of beautiful girls, eat and drink what the hell I want, go where the hell I want, when the hell I want. If there’s a party I just ring up and say I’ll accept. At the Conservative ball two days ago, it was brilliant, chatting to William. Ffion and Lucy get on like a house on fire. It’s a wonderful life I’ve got.”‘
[london] Thora Birch describes “My London” in This is London. What was the last conversation you had with a London cabbie? This guy offered me and my mom some pot (which we politely declined) and then told us what every member of his extended family did for a living.’ [Related Link: Ghost World Movie]
1 October 2000
[tv] Danny O’Brien thinks PCs are the new TVs‘I haven’t had a television for almost two years now. Believe me, I like television. People who don’t have televisions, I continue to believe, mostly wear bow ties and have children who are home-schooled, go to university at the age of 12 and then run away to live off chestnuts in the forest. I know this. Once I’d stopped slumping in front of the telly when I came home from work and moved into the far more sophisticated habit of slumping in front of a monitor, my viewing hours plummeted.’