14 August 2006
[comics] Keep On Truckin’ — from the Perry Bible Fellowship.
[comics] Criminal Preview — a few pages from the first issue of Criminal from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips.
13 August 2006
[comics] The New Adventures of Hitler — scans from Grant Morrison and Steve Yeowell’s controversial comic about Hitler visiting Liverpool in 1912 … ‘I was born to suffer. There is no end to it. I was born to suffer and I shall surely die here, on this miserable English toilet. I tell you, I have never known a greater enemy than my own rebellious bowels. Traitors! Treacherous bastards! They will be the death of me.’
12 August 2006
[ukblogs] Greenslade — Roy Greenslade is keeping a nicely done blog about the British Press and Journalism.
11 August 2006
[ukblogs] YouTube: Tom Reynolds, of Random Acts of Reality on ITV’s London News.
[comics] Judge Dredd: Origins — a flash trailer for a new Judge Dredd series by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra. [via Jez]
10 August 2006
[weird] The Chosen Ones — Jon Ronson meets Indigo Children who apparently are “super-evolved, psychic beings” … ‘I’m curious to know more about the Indigo children – this apparently vast, underground movement. Although Indigos say they communicate telepathically, they also communicate via internet forums, such as Indigos Unplugged…’ [via As Above]
[ronson] Hello Jon Ronson. Yes, the bloggers are watching you… Just be thankful we are not the Secret Rulers of the World.
![]() My advice to you is relax, and perhaps don’t ego-surf so dilligently. I only posted that link to the Chosen Ones two hours ago… Shouldn’t you be working? 9 August 2006
[ukblogs] Jeffrey Archer’s Official Blog … ‘I read in another newspaper that I’m converting to Roman Catholicism. One phone call, and they would have discovered that it hadn’t even crossed my mind.’ [thanks Phil]
[xmas] Only 138 Shopping Days to Go — Harrods opened it’s Christmas Department yesterday… ‘Christmas World was packed, with an ominous background tinkle of shoppers edging past racks of glass baubles. The fairylights were eclipsed by the barrage of camera flashes as tourists immortalised themselves in T-shirts and shorts standing in a glade of £119 slimline artificial trees. “It’s so English,” a Chinese woman said fondly, admiring a £14.95 glass Eiffel Tower tree decoration – made in China.’ [more…]
8 August 2006
[comics] 1963 Comics Ads — amusing spoof Comics Ads written by Alan Moore.
[comics] Thrill Power Overload — David Bishop an ex-editor of 2000AD is writing a history of the comic and blogging his progress … On Censorship: ‘Even the most innocuous phrases could cause problems. Both [Alan] Grant and [Steve] MacManus recall a sound effect in Robo-Hunter being censored. Barry Tomlinson had taken over from Bob Bartholomewews the managing editor responsible for passing each issue of 2000 AD as fit for publication. ‘The original speech balloon on Prog 278 had Kidd saying, “Do something, Slade! I’m gonna pop!”,’ MacManus recalls. ‘Tomlinson said you can’t have the word pop on the cover, it means fart.” [via Pete’s Linklog]
[ukblogs] Casino Avenue: ‘As for Anna Mikhailova? She’ll still be bumping along on the Sunday Times, and being asked why every time her name’s entered into Google, it returns a list of pages slagging her off. Add that to your CV, eh?’
7 August 2006
[books] Support Abby: Buy Girl With A One Track Mind on Amazon Here.
[books] The Digested Read: Positively Happy by Noel Edmonds … ‘Allowing room for the good things means letting go of the bad. That’s why, although I’m happy to talk about all my other TV programmes, you won’t find a single word here about the Late Late Breakfast Show, in which a member of the public died performing a pointless and dangerous stunt.’
[blogs] Belle de Jour on staying Anonymous — some good, common sense advice for anonymous best-selling bloggers … ‘Trust no one.’
[comics] The Brothers Freud — another interview with Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie about Lost Girls [slightly NSFW] … ‘We are trying to present sex and war as alternatives to one another. The pornography in Lost Girls is a testament to the human imagination, and particularly to the human sexual imagination, and the war that builds ominously throughout Lost Girls is the exact opposite of the human sexual imagination. I perceive war as the ultimate failure of the imagination. When we can’t think of anything else to do, then we kill each other in staggering numbers.’ [via The Comics Reporter]
6 August 2006
[soundboard] Curb Your Enthusiasm Soundboard: ‘I might be losing a testicle.’
5 August 2006
[lightbulb] Livermore’s Centennial Light — Apparently, the oldest working lightbulb in the world … ‘Age: 104 years and counting (as of 2005)’
4 August 2006
[crab] Crab vs. Pipe — old viral video on YouTube … ‘An undersea robot is sawing a 3mm wide slit (1/10th of an inch … remember that width) in a pipeline. The pressure inside the pipeline is 0 psig, while the pressure outside is 2700 psi, or 1.3 tons per square inch. Then a crab comes along….’
[ukblogs] Blogs in focus at Festival Fringe … ‘Blogs are taking centre stage at this year’s Festival Fringe in Edinburgh, with three different productions tapping into the world of online writers. One of them, Bloggers: Real Internet Diaries, is based entirely on British blogs.’
[religion] Hatemail to the Flying Spagetti Monster … ‘PASTAFARIAN?!? that doesn’t even make sense!! why the hell would god be PASTA?!?’ [via linkbunnies.org]
3 August 2006
[comics] Alan Moore on Lost Girls — long interview in the Onion’s AV Club [via Robot Wisdom] …
‘The way that we worked on Lost Girls was actually different than the way I’ve worked on any other comic I’ve done. I’m known for turning out book-sized scripts with detailed written descriptions of each panel and all the dialogue and captions and sound effects. But Melinda had never worked with a scriptwriter before, so she looked at these enormous scripts I’d written for the first four or five episodes, and I think it crushed her spirit. She wasn’t comfortable, and she suggested that maybe I could do thumbnails, which is something I haven’t really done for other artists because I’m so lousy at drawing thumbnails. I have to write pages of explanation to tell them that this little blob down in the right-hand corner is actually the leading character’s head and shoulders. But Melinda, since she was living up here, I could talk her through all the breakdowns. She’d take my rough thumbnails and a pep talk and would go and turn out these lovely pages. Then I would do the dialoguing after the artwork was done, so that I could have a look at the expression that Melinda brought to the work. I could fine-tune the dialogue for the images so everything was much more synchronized. Lost Girls probably marks the closest that I’ve worked with an artist on a comic, perhaps unsurprisingly. With the nature of the material, it more or less demands an intimate relationship between the creators. Not just intimate in the usual physical sense, but also intimate in a mental and creative sense.’
[wtf] The Daily Mail uses Del.icio.us … ‘Square-shaped watermelons created for easy storage are to hit stores in the UK.’ [via qwghlm.co.uk]
2 August 2006
[lists] Merlin Mann’s 5ives — amusing lists of five things …
Five suggested Flickr tags 1 August 2006
[wiki] My Wikipedia Contrail: Fallen Astronaut … ‘Fallen Astronaut is an 8.5-cm (slightly over 3″) aluminum sculpture of an astronaut in a spacesuit. It is the only piece of art on the Moon.’
[murder] 39 Years After Boy’s Murder, Police Arrest Two Men … ‘It was almost 40 years ago that a young grammar school boy set off on a sunny Saturday afternoon to buy a geometry set, still wearing his distinctive uniform as he wandered down a rural bridle path nick-named Happy Valley. Harold Wilson was in Downing Street and the new car sensation was the Mark 2 Ford Cortina, but both were wiped off the front pages by what happened to 12-year-old Keith Lyon before he reached the village store at Woodingdean, near Brighton. In a brief attack, he was stabbed 11 times in the stomach with a serrated kitchen carving knife after a mob of older teenagers from a rival school jumped him, according to local people, then left him to bleed to death on the path.’
31 July 2006
30 July 2006
[tv] Useful Bookmark: What’s on Film Four Today?