6 February 2007
[movies] RoboCop, PhD — According to Wired Peter Weller is getting a PhD in Italian Renaissance Art History … ‘This is no vanity degree; Weller teaches courses, writes papers, and is doggedly climbing the academic ladder. Buckaroo Banzai, the polymath who was arguably Weller’s most famous character – acclaimed neurosurgeon, race car driver, particle physicist, and, of course, rock star – would be proud.’ [via Ghost in the Machine]
5 February 2007
[apple] Charlie Brooker: I Hate Macs‘So when you see the ads, you think, “PCs are a bit rubbish yet ultimately lovable, whereas Macs are just smug, preening tossers.” In other words, it is a devastatingly accurate campaign. I hate Macs. I have always hated Macs. I hate people who use Macs. I even hate people who don’t use Macs but sometimes wish they did. Macs are glorified Fisher-Price activity centres for adults; computers for scaredy cats too nervous to learn how proper computers work; computers for people who earnestly believe in feng shui.’

charlie brooker on hating macs surrounded by mitchell & webb

[books] The Naked Truth: Authors Who Write in the Buff.‘When Victor Hugo, the famous author of great tomes such as Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, ran into a writer’s block, he concocted a unique scheme to force himself to write: he had his servant take all of his clothes away for the day and leave his own nude self with only pen and paper, so he’d have nothing to do but sit down and write.’ [via Quiddity]
4 February 2007
[web] Senduit — another one of those useful websites that allow you share large files for short periods of time. [via Lifehacker]
3 February 2007
[movies] When Harry met Sally Recut — the romance film with Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan as a thriller … ‘Don’t Fuck with Mister Zero.’ [via Metafilter]
2 February 2007
[ebay] What was the first thing ever sold on eBay?‘In late ’95, Pierre made history when he sold eBay’s first item — a broken laser pointer he had originally bought as a cat toy. Amazingly, the buyer paid $14.00 for the kaput pointer. We imagine it was about this time Pierre realized he was on the cusp of creating something great.’ [via Kottke]
1 February 2007
[toys] Speak & Spell Emulator — Flash version of the popular 70’s learning toy‘Spell Anything’ [via qwghlm]
[ebay] Find Misspelled Listings on eBay‘Imagine being able to find listings on eBay which attract very few bids by the end of the auction… Why so few bids? Quite simply because the listing contains misspellings and therefore couldn’t be found by using any search tool.’ [via]
31 January 2007
[TV] Grace Dent’s Final Word on Celebrity Big Brother 2007: ‘It’s only a game show: only a few careers and livelihoods ruined. Only a few relationships shattered, a few contestants’ families heartbroken, only a few safehouses booked and kids living without mum while she’s in hiding, and only a few psychologists on standby and contestants said to be near-suicidal. This is totally normal on game shows, isn’t it? You should see the drama on Countdown when they run low on pens. Carnage, emotional fall-out, safehouses being booked everywhere.’ [via Feeling Listless]
[comics] Warren Ellis, Novelist — Ellis on his new book Crooked Little Vein‘I sat down and wrote the first ten thousand words of an utterly unsaleable novel. I figured I could recycle the material into comics later. So I handed her this horror of a thing, complete with Godzilla Bukkake scene, and said, take this and leave me alone. Thinking, obviously, that she’d decide I was insane and never bug me again. Two weeks later, she phoned to tell me she’d sold it to Harper Collins in New York…’
30 January 2007
[comics] Belle de Jour and Judge Dredd: ‘…he only gives her six months imprisonment? You call that sympathy?’
[blogs] Forced Switch to the New Blogger Begins — I think the latest upgrade to Blogger has been a disaster and it’s what drove me to upgrade to WordPress (along with the realisation that WordPress was pretty easy to install and manage) … ‘Starting today, a small percentage of users who log in to an old Blogger account will be required to move to the new version. This involves moving your current Blogger account to a new or existing Google Account. After the move, you will need to log in to Blogger with your Google Account username, which is always the email address associated with your account. If you’re one of the lucky folks who is prompted to move your account over to the new version of Blogger, you’ll be able to postpone this process once (and only once) if you *really* need to get a post out of your head or want to say goodbye to the old Blogger. After that, it’s time to befriend the new Blogger!’ [via Google Operating System]
29 January 2007
[film] What if Ferris Bueller really was sick? — another remixed film trailer. [via Sore Eyes]
[tv] Weird, or just Wanting? — Louis Theroux on Weirdness. ‘…what I did come to realize was this: that the strangest behaviours are always answering some very normal human need – for love, for religious meaning, for a place in the world. And that the “weird beliefs” themselves never stood in the way of me making a human connection…’ [via As Above]
28 January 2007
[politics] Downing Street E-Petitions: We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to replace the national anthem with ‘Gold’ by Spandau Ballet‘What we specifically want to see, is that the National Anthem be changed in favour of “Gold” by Spandau Ballet. Further, we would like our National Olympic Committee to decree that Tony Hadley is the only person permitted to handle medal ceremonies where the National Anthem is played. We don’t mind what he wears when he does this, but preference is given towards a a gold colured suit.’ [thanks Phil]
[blogs] Feeling Listless: ‘I was ten years old and owned a Raleigh Grifter.’
26 January 2007
24 January 2007
[comics] Gerhard and Aardvark-Vanaheim Have Parted Ways — Dave Sim and long-term artistic collaborator Gerhard have gone their separate ways … ‘Effective as of December 31st, 2006 Gerhard has parted ways with Aardvark-Vanaheim and long time partner Dave Sim. Dave is still in the process of gathering the funds necessary to buy out Gerhard’s 40% share of the company, but this will not affect the publication of future Cerebus volumes…’ [via Meowwcat]
23 January 2007
[comics] Mr. and Mrs. Natural — Update on Robert Crumb and family … ‘Comics have always bound the Crumbs. Aline and Robert met in 1971 after she heard about a large-rumped woman named Honeybunch Kaminski created by Mr. Crumb for his Snatch Comics series. Ms. Crumb, whose surname from her first marriage was Kominsky, bore a physical resemblance to Honeybunch, and she set out to meet the famous R. Crumb. “She was the first woman I met whose emotions didn’t scare me,” Mr. Crumb said.’ [via The Coffee Grounds]
[ireland] A Policeman’s Best Friend — Steve Bell on brilliant form today.
[brain] Free Will: Now You Have It, Now You Don’t — The New York Times on Free Will … [via Kottke]

‘In the 1970s, Benjamin Libet, a physiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, wired up the brains of volunteers to an electroencephalogram and told the volunteers to make random motions, like pressing a button or flicking a finger, while he noted the time on a clock. Dr. Libet found that brain signals associated with these actions occurred half a second before the subject was conscious of deciding to make them. The order of brain activities seemed to be perception of motion, and then decision, rather than the other way around. In short, the conscious brain was only playing catch-up to what the unconscious brain was already doing. The decision to act was an illusion, the monkey making up a story about what the tiger had already done.’

22 January 2007
[future] Must-know terms for the 21st Century intellectual — On Cosmological Eschatology and Galactus: ‘CE is the study of how the Universe develops, ages, and ultimately comes to an end. While hardly a new concept, what is new is the suggestion that advanced intelligence may play a role in the universe’s life cycle. Given the radical potential for postbiological superintelligence, a number of thinkers have suggested that universe engineering is a likely activity for advanced civilizations.’ [via Warren Ellis]
21 January 2007
[gladwell] Open Secrets — Malcolm Gladwell on Mysteries, Puzzles and Enron … ‘The national-security expert Gregory Treverton has famously made a distinction between puzzles and mysteries. Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts are a puzzle. We can’t find him because we don’t have enough information. The key to the puzzle will probably come from someone close to bin Laden, and until we can find that source bin Laden will remain at large. The problem of what would happen in Iraq after the toppling of Saddam Hussein was, by contrast, a mystery. It wasn’t a question that had a simple, factual answer. Mysteries require judgments and the assessment of uncertainty, and the hard part is not that we have too little information but that we have too much.’ [via Kottke]
[blogs] Smashing Telly — a blog watching for interesting television available on Google Video – for example On the Edge of Blade Runner and Rob Newman’s History of Oil. [via Pete’s Linklog]
20 January 2007
[religion] History of Religion — nicely done map / timeline of 3000 years of Religious Expansion. [via As Above]
18 January 2007
[mobiles] Man Badly Burned when Cell Phone in Pocket Flares‘A cell phone in the front pocket of a Vallejo man’s pants spontaneously combusted, quickly ignited his clothes and left the man with second- and third-degree burns across at least half his body, according to investigators. Luis Picaso, 59, was apparently sleeping on a white, all-plastic lawn chair in his room late Saturday night and was awakened as he was ablaze…’ [via Warren Ellis]
[mobiles] Cell Phones Filthier Than Bottom of Shoe‘The phones contained more skin bacteria than the any other object; this could be due to the fact that this type of bacteria increases in high temperatures and our phones are perfect for breeding these germs as they’re kept warm and cozy in our pockets, handbags and brief cases. These bacteria are toxic to humans…’
17 January 2007
[robots] Jamie Zawinski on fixing his Roomba: ‘…let me rephrase that story: My personal cleaning robot has malfunctioning hardware.’
16 January 2007
[lifehacks] 5 Ideas for Stressful Living‘I’ve compiled a short list of ideas for those who wish to add a dash of stress into their lives – all fairly easy to implement, not to mention widely encouraged by society at large and often easily observed in the behavior of those around you…’ [via Lifehacker]