11 September 2007
10 September 2007
[comics] Charlie Brooker on BBC4’s Comics Britannia‘British kid’s comics have finally been swallowed up by this hideously plastic modern age in which almost any creative work is described as “content” – and demographically-targeted content at that. When I read about Dandy Xtreme, I feel like Victor Meldrew, sighing while a robot prepares his dinner. And I never used to read the Dandy anyway. As a child of the 1970s, I grew up on Whizzer And Chips, and the rest of the IPC/Fleetway comics stable…’
9 September 2007
[movies] In the Shadow of the Moon — trailer for a documentary about the Apollo Moon Missions.
6 September 2007
[sopranos] 9 Minute Sopranos — a complete amusing summary of all seven seasons of the Sopranos. ‘…if you’re lucky, you’ll remember the little moments like this …that were good.’
5 September 2007
[search] Chipwrapper — a search engine for UK newspapers (and BBC and Sky News). [via Pete Ashton]
4 September 2007
[comics] Marching to his own Toon — Profile of the Guardian’s Steve Bell‘Bell got the idea for depicting him with Y-fronts over his trousers following rumours that he tucked his shirt into his underpants, and although he never phoned Bell to complain personally, it was well known he hated the cartoons. “Prescott was the other one who gave a shit. A journalist I know had been talking to him and said he had been complaining about being depicted as a dog. I am not a f***ing dog’,” he laughs, mimicking Prescott’s northern accent. “So of course I decided to carry on doing it.”‘ [via The Comics Reporter]
[comics] The Truth about Alan Moore … Finally revealed – from Rick Veitch.
3 September 2007
[comics] Bax The Burner … Early Alan Moore with art by Steve Dillon, starring my two favourite robots – Ro-Jaws and Hammerstein.
2 September 2007
[wikipedia] Wikirage‘This site lists the pages in Wikipedia which are receiving the most edits per unique editor over various periods of time. Popular people in the news, the latest fads, and the hottest video games can be quickly identified by monitor this social phenomenon.’ [via Daring Fireball]
1 September 2007
[comics] Edgar Allan Poe — Allergic to alcohol? — nicely done short comic biography posted on Scans Daily

biographical cartoon about edgar allan poe

29 August 2007
[funny] What Wikipedia would look like if on paper, broken down — interesting analysis from Qwghlm‘Libel’
28 August 2007
[comics] BBC Four’s Comics Britannia Season — website covering BBC Four’s upcoming season on comics. Forbidden Planet’s blog has all the details.
27 August 2007
[funny] Go Watch: Australian Senator Discusses An Oil Spill‘Some of them are built so the front doesn’t fall off at all…’ [via Back in a Bit]
25 August 2007
[apple] Fake Steve on Scotland’s First Apple Store: ‘All joking aside: Scots, I know you’re a restless and angry people at heart, but let’s try to keep it peaceful, bokay? It’s what our brand is about. We’re all about peace and love and staying Zen. Negative people upset us. But if you can get in a few kicks on some filthy bastard Microsoft fans, and nobody sees you, well, no harm no foul as they say, and you will, in fact, be restoring a sense of childlike wonder to my life.’
24 August 2007
[macs] Mac Buyer’s Guide: Know When to Buy Your Mac — useful guide – in summary: don’t buy full-size iPod’s or Nano’s because there maybe new versions real soon.
23 August 2007
[wifi] Is Stealing Wireless Wrong?‘Philosopher Julian Baggini says he can’t see what all the fuss is about. “I’m pro the stealers on this one. If you are doing it systematically to avoid chipping in your bit you are a freeloader and that’s immoral. “But casual and occasional use while travelling is a bit like reading your book from the light coming out from someone’s window. It’s like eating someone’s leftovers.”‘
22 August 2007
[web] Terraminds Micro Search — useful Twitter search for the web-stalker in all of us.
21 August 2007
[funny] The London Evening Standard Headline Generator — surreal randomly generated headlines taken from the London Evening Standard’s Headline Boards – Thanks Holly! …

Billie Piper's Fog 'Will Haunt Brown'

[comics] Mike Mick McMahon’s Website — official website for the artist best known for his work on Judge Dredd. [via Chris Weston]
20 August 2007
[comics] Day One: It Begins… Finally! ‘Your eyes do not deceive you: For the next seven days, it’s all-out war on the Dire Wraiths, because… IT’S ROM WEEK ON THE ISB!!’
[comics] Legend Horror Classics! Frankenstein!! — Scans of a pre-2000AD comic from Kevin O’Neill … [via Forbidden Planet’s Blog]

Kevin O'Neill's Frankenstein

19 August 2007
[comics] Comic and Story Paper Family Trees — a website exploring the publishing histories of old British comics. [via Phil Gyford]
18 August 2007
[windows] Power replacements for built-in Windows utilities – a useful list (as always) from Lifehacker.
17 August 2007
[comics] Incredibly disappointing news: ‘WildStorm/DC Comics regrets to announce that “The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier,” by Alan Moore & Kevin O’Neill, will only be published in the United States due to international copyright concerns and related issues.’ (DC Press Release)
16 August 2007
[photos] Go Look: Do Not Take This Flyer Down. [via Reddit]
15 August 2007
[change] Chaos Theory — The Guardian on the changeover to Digital TV and our attitudes to large cultural changes like Decimalisation …

The world’s first seven-sided coins started appearing in Britain’s purses and cash registers on October 14 1969 – strange, alien lumps of cupro-nickel alloy that were greeted with instant suspicion. Bus conductors and Tory MPs fretted that the new 50 pence piece would be mistaken for the old half-crown, causing chaos. Secret documents released years later showed that the Decimal Currency Board – the body charged with decimalising the country by February 1971 – was terrified that the Queen might die before the changeover was complete, forcing it to introduce a whole new set of coins. And according to the BBC, a retired army colonel named Essex Moorcroft founded an organisation called the Anti-Heptagonists, dedicated to eradicating the new 50p on the grounds that it was “ugly” and “an insult to our sovereign, whose image it bears.”

14 August 2007
[lifehacks] Jerry Seinfeld’s productivity secret — Lifehacker on Seinfeldian Chains‘He told me to get a big wall calendar that has a whole year on one page and hang it on a prominent wall. The next step was to get a big red magic marker. He said for each day that I do my task of writing, I get to put a big red X over that day. “After a few days you’ll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job next is to not break the chain.” “Don’t break the chain.” He said again for emphasis.’
13 August 2007
[books] Space to think — the Observer interviews William Gibson‘I’m reminded of something Gibson once said: ‘I didn’t imagine that art girls in the Midwest would be flashing their tits in cyberspace… but I’m glad that they’re doing it.’ Does he retain that optimism? ‘You could say, in some ways technology and entertainment culture does not look that good from outside. I mean, if you looked at the internet objectively, sometimes you would think it was just a tsunami of filth, something you would not want anywhere near your children.’ It is though, he believes, an intimately human form of culture. ‘I think that one of the things that sets us most thoroughly apart is the ability to preserve our individual memory. The information of the cave paintings becomes Borges’s library, Borges’s library becomes a laptop computer.’ The internet is the shared memory of the species.’
[couture] Notice in the men’s toilets in Chanel’s office: ‘Pissing everywhere isn’t very Chanel.’ [via Sore Eyes]