6 November 2007
[language] Darling, you look positively pulchritudinous. OW! No, that’s a GOOD thing! — Ask Metafilter looks at words that don’t sound like they mean … ‘I don’t think I’m the only one to have at first assumed that coruscating meant something like scathing or corrosive rather than sparkly.’
5 November 2007
[fun] Online Simon Game – fun childhood memory challenge game online. [via linkbunnies.org]
4 November 2007
[torrents] Completetorrent — use Google Custom Search to find torrents across large number of BitTorrent sites.
3 November 2007
[charlatan] Is she for real? … Jon Ronson meets Sylvia Browne America’s most controversial psychic …
“Why did my husband decide to take his own life?” asks the first woman. 2 November 2007
[food] Using McDonalds’ As Pizza Toppings … ‘This is a culinary Frankenstein cooked by Bizarro, a crude combination of deliciousness into an artery-jamming fatty Voltron. The thing is, I would totally eat it. You would, too, stop lying.’ [via iamcal.com]
1 November 2007
[media] Currybetdotnet: The Daily Star’s unique approach to promoting RSS feeds … ‘I so wish I had been in the meeting when someone said, “You know….we could get a topless bird to hold the RSS icon…”‘
31 October 2007
[horror] Battle of the bloodsuckers — Who’s the best Dracula – Christopher Lee or Max Schreck? …
I have met Count Dracula. The real one. Some years ago, while researching an article about Transylvania, I was introduced to the charming and erudite man who was heir to the region spoken of in Bram Stoker’s book. Having been exiled to Germany with his family throughout the Ceausescu years, the authentic count had returned to reclaim his legacy, and was in the process of restoring his baronial castle, which nestled in the shadow of the Carpathian mountains. 30 October 2007
[comics] Excerpts from Posy Simmonds Comics Journal Interview — she’s interviewed by Paul Gravett. Posy on the genesis of Gemma Bovery: ‘…she was treating her lover in such a disgraceful way and she was surrounded by Prada bags and expensive shoe bags. She looked so bored and so miserable and she just exuded a kind of “Alas, what might have been.” This Italian friend, said, “Oh, look. There’s Madame Bovary.” So, later I said to The Guardian, “All right, it’s this.” And they said, “Fire away.”‘
29 October 2007
27 October 2007
[comics] When did you last see your tutor? — fabulous ‘affectionate recollection’ from Eddie Campbell on Posy Simmonds … ‘I had a lady friend in 1981, just before the book under discussion appeared, who followed Posy in the Guardian (as she checked in on Feiffer in the Observer Sunday magazine and Claire Bretecher in the Times Sunday magazine whenever those other papers fell within reach) who had no idea what the hell I was talking about when I showed her the cartoon novel I was working upon. She saw no possible connect between what Posy was doing and what I intended. I mention this to show how far outside of comic book culture Posy is and was.’
26 October 2007
[twitter] Twitter Feed of LinkMachineGo — if you use Twitter you might find this stripped down feed useful.
[books] Children’s Books You’ll Never See … ‘The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator’ [via linkbunnies.org]
25 October 2007
[funny] Religious Lolcats: I’m In Ur Ground… Testing Ur Faith. [more…]
[games] Update on the Cover of the 1970’s game Mastermind — includes a recent picture of the couple on the packaging of the game 30 years after the original … ‘Clearly, those two are plotting world domination, and are taking a break from their evil schemes to play a little mind game with you. They will win. It is a foregone conclusion. But you’re happy to be their little plaything, because they are so urbane and suave, and maybe if you play along with them they’ll be nice to you after they take over the world, and MY GOD THEIR TABLE IS SO SHINY.’ [via Blackbeltjones]
23 October 2007
[comics] Partying with the ‘Dickster’ — Peter Bagge meets Dick Cheney.
22 October 2007
[funny] Entire Precinct Made Up Of Loose Cannons —
‘The officers’ darkest moment reportedly came in November 1992, when they shot and killed three dozen children who darted out of a dark alley holding toy guns. Following the incident, Henderson traveled to the San Pedro, CA marina where all 34 officers docked their houseboats. He found them passed out with bottles of Wild Turkey in their left hands and .44-caliber Magnum handguns in their right. 21 October 2007
[comics] Travels in Toon Town Part 1 | Part 2 — first two parts of an on-going blog column on the architecture of cities such as Mega City One in comics … ‘Without Mega City One, Judge Dredd [..] would be a rather dull read. Dredd is a tiresome, unemotional leather-clad fascist who beats, shoots, and locks up ‘perps’ in tiny cells called ‘iso-cubes’. His emotional range is minimal, his dedication to upholding the law, unswerving. Yawn. Thank ‘Grud’ then – as Dredd himself might say – for the city and its buildings, its people and robots and the endless freeways and ‘pedways’ that spiral upwards for miles into the sky. Put simply without Mega City One, there would be no story to tell.’
20 October 2007
[blogs] Stephen Fry has a Blog — this is old news but it passed me by. He doesn’t do brief blog entries: ‘I don’t seem to be able to keep things brief. So my advice is that you read it in bits. Or print it out and save it for a rainy day or a recalcitrant motion.’
19 October 2007
[ipod] The iPod Death Clock … ‘When will my iPod Croak? Depending on how you use (or abuse) it, we can take a guess at how long your little friend has left in this world.’
17 October 2007
[comics] Orbital Comics Top 10 Lists — amusing lists posted in Orbital Comics in Central London … [via Kottke]
![]() 16 October 2007
[comics] Preview of The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier — the latest from Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill … ‘The story is set in an alternative-history England roughly 50 years after the Martian invasion of 1898. Quatermain and Murray, both strangely younger than when we saw them previous (and they were quite old back then – like, liver-spotted and wrinkled-prune old), are trying to track down a mysterious book that contains secrets about their League adventures and revelations about other League teams throughout history. Natch, there are some baddies who are desperate to make sure the dynamic duo fail in their quest.’
15 October 2007
[weird] Right Brain v Left Brain Optical Illusion … I see this rotating anti-clockwise until after concentrating on the feet it flipped on me and started rotating clockwise. Weird! :) [via Kottke]
14 October 2007
[space] NASA Announces Plan To Bring Wi-Fi To Its Headquarters By 2017 … ‘NASA has suffered from a public credibility crisis in recent years due to perceived incompetence, a failed mission to Mars, the damaged and dormant Hubble telescope, and its inability to procure a long enough USB cable to reach all the way over to engineer William Chen’s cubicle. But NASA officials argue that a secure high-speed line could prevent disasters such as a 2005 incident in which an employee attempting to download the movie trailer for Cheaper by the Dozen 2 crashed the Mission Control Center mainframe computer for two weeks.’ [via Qwghlm]
13 October 2007
[comics] Rob Liefeld on Alan Moore … ‘He once called us up to tell us that he had just been in the dream realm and talking to Socrates and Shakespeare, and to Moses, dead serious, and that they talked for what seemed to be months, but when he woke up, only an evening had passed, and he came up with these great ideas. And I’m tellin’ ya, I think it’s shtick, dude. I think it’s all shtick. I’m gonna start saying that stuff. Cuz you know what? It makes you instantly interesting. Like ‘O yeah, last night I was hanging out with Socrates. Came to me in a dream. We played poker. We dropped acid.’ That’s the kinda stuff Alan would say all the time…’ [via BeaucoupKevin]
12 October 2007
[food] Fraser Lewry’s Animal Alphabet — Fraser of Blogjam attempts to eat an animal for each letter of the alphabet … ‘I’m a) not allowed to use Latin names, and b) if I’m struggling to come up with an animal beginning with ‘R’, for instance, I’m not allowed to use “ring-tailed lemur” because all lemurs are filed under ‘L’. Not that I’d eat lemur, of course, because they’re an endangered species, which brings me to c) no endangered species.’
11 October 2007
[tv] Charlie Brooker reviews Billie Piper’s Secret Diary Of A Call Girl — extremely funny, NSFW and surprisingly, goes easy on Billie and Belle … ‘We love a morality tale us Brits. Especially if it’s disguised as a fuckfest.’ [more…]