17 June 2008
[twitter] It turns out it was Fake Richard Dawkins on Twitter … That said, Fake Richard Dawkins doesn’t seem all bad: ‘While I still have 1700 of you paying attention, I just wanted to say: Whatever you believe, respect others beliefs. It’s not wrong to be kind to people who don’t believe the same as you. You don’t have to be militant atheists. People who claim to be Christians can be hypocrites, but they’re just people, and all people make mistakes. Try to be good to one another. That is my message of peace to all of you. Love one another. It’s ok. Consider that being hostile towards others has never won any followers. Richard Dawkins is just an old man trying to leave behind a legacy. Just like I, a Chrisitan do not follow Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson, don’t be mislead by someone just because they share your belief system. It’s easy to be against people who are different than you, but try not to be like that. Take the high road, unlike RD. Thanks for listening and following along. Have a nice day.’
16 June 2008
[comics] We’re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Northampton – Pádraig Ó Méalóid talks to Alan Moore … first part of a long interview … ‘I think that apparently the hardback collections are about the only thing where you’ve got signs of an increase in sales. The pamphlets are falling by the wayside and you’ve got to suspect that this is probably the future.’ [via Pete Ashton]
15 June 2008
[movies] ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ props, from The Shining … these pages from Jack’s “novel” are taken from The Kubrick Archive … ‘The annotation noted how there is still some conjecture as to whether Kubrick had every individual page typed, or they were photocopied. Some of these pages looked typed. Others didn’t.’ [via Daring Fireball]
13 June 2008
[twitter] Richard Dawkins has a Twitter … ‘Hello all, and thank you joining me here. I hope this will open a new avenue of communication for atheists and non-believers on the web.’
12 June 2008
[space] How long could you survive in the vacuum of space? … ‘In the first 30 seconds any fluid on the surface of your body would begin to boil due to lack of ambient pressure, this includes the saliva on your tongue and the moisture in your eyes. Your eardrums would most likely burst due to the pressure in your body trying to equalize with the vacuum outside. Unlike what some science fiction films have suggested, your body would not explode…’ [via Metafilter]
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11 June 2008
[comics] What should I do with comic books after I read them? … important question of the day from Ask Metafilter … ‘Bag and board them, then store them forever in longboxes. this is the only right answer.’
[tags: Comics][ permalink][ Comments Off on Ask Mefi: What should I do with comic books after I read them?]
10 June 2008
[comics] Grant Morrison on Final Crisis #1 … ‘The thing is, we wanted to open with a nasty, execution-style death of a superhero as a way of demonstrating how far behind us the Silver Age is. We’re conditioned to expect the hero to fall after a noble struggle or to give his life saving the universe but this had to be different. The scene was very much about calling time on expectations and letting our readers know up front that the rules have changed.’
9 June 2008
[comics] Peter Gillis remembers his friend Bob Dienenthal who died recently … Dienenthal worked on one of the first fully computer generated comics in the late 1980’s and sounds like a real Mac fanantic … ‘Thunderscan was one of those kludges that are truly inspiring: you took an Apple ImageWriter dot matrix printer, pulled out the printer head and replaced it with the module. Then instead of sending data to the printer to print, it reversed the flow and, as the head moved back and forth and the platen moved, it would send scan information back to the computer and assemble a graphic. This was before scanners were even available retail…’ [via The Comics Reporter]
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8 June 2008
[comics] Neil Gaiman to write an episode of Dr Who? … Rich Johnson: ‘The rumour running around my BBC sources that Neil Gaiman being approached to write a [Dr Who] episode for 2010. That would be this Neil Gaiman, comic author, fantasy novelist, screenwriter, poet and writer of the Duran Duran Biography 1985.’
7 June 2008
[funny] When Humans Punch Aliens: The Video Remix … amusing set of science fiction fights set to “Mama Said Knock You Out” by LL Cool J. [via Metafilter]
5 June 2008
[comics] Comics USA: Alan Moore Visits New York in 1984 … scans of an article written by Moore after a visit to America in 1984 … ’24th August, Thursday – My Taxi to Heathrow arrives driven by comics’s answer to Robert de Niro, Jamie Delano, who combines scripting ‘Nightraven’ and ‘Captain Britain’ with taxi work. Phyllis and the children Amber and Leah make a brave attempt at concealing the turbulent emotions aroused in them by my departure, but I can tell they are secretly heartbroken. My flight is a seven hour sneak preview of purgatory. I read Alexei Sayle’s ‘Train to Hell’ from cover to cover. I’m sitting in the central aisle and I can’t see out of the window. What’s the point of flying if you can’t see how many thousands of feet you’ve got to fall shrieking to your death?’
[religion] Heaven Is An Amusement Park That Never Closes … Strange Maps finds a map of heaven … ‘Catholics are welcome to Heaven, but are confined to a small section next to the entrance’ [via Qwghlm]
4 June 2008
[google] Simply Google: ‘…is a roundup of every Google search and service out there on one convenient page.’ [via Grayblog]
[drink] The Price of a Pint … ‘The price of beer in 202 countries. Pint Price is a database of World Beer Prices. Use this site to find the best watering nation.’
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3 June 2008
[life] Interconnected: let me speak seriously … ‘I know a fellow who met a fellow whose mother makes garden gnomes, and when his father died, his mother made a gnome out of the ashes and she keeps it in the front garden of the family home.’
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2 June 2008
[bbc] The BBC’s “Green Book” … amusing historic BBC Production Guidelines from the 1940’s and 50’s … ‘Jokes like ‘enough to make a Maltese Cross’ are of doubtful value.’ [thanks Phil]
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31 May 2008
[comics] US superheroes with Scottish accents… BBC News on Scottish Comics Creators … ‘Along with [Grant] Morrison, the work of some of Scotland’s other great comic book writers and artists has been showcased at an exhibition at the National Library of Scotland. Names such as John Wagner, Alan Grant and Cam Kennedy have dominated the genre in Scotland for decades and have been at the forefront of what Mr Schreck calls “the European invasion” since the late 1970s.’
27 May 2008
[blogs] Sashinka: ‘It’s today.’
22 May 2008
[comics] Interviews with Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard – plus a preview of The Walking Dead #50 (the best serial comic being published at the moment?) … Since “The Walking Dead” debuted, zombies have become something of a cultural meme and have seen resurgence in virtually all forms of entertainment media, and Kirkman thinks they’re here to stay. “I think zombies have risen to the level of vampires and werewolves and will always be a staple of popular fiction — with highs and lows like vampires and werewolves experience — but I think they’ll always be around in some form or another and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.”
20 May 2008
[comics] 5 Superhero Movie Scenes They’ll Never Let You See … things from those crazy Comic books you’ll never see in the Movies. On Monsieur Mallah and the Brain: ‘If 51 percent of American moviegoers aren’t ready for gay marriage, then they’re sure as shit not ready for a love affair that combines homosexuality, bestiality, robophilia as well as a little amputee fetishism for good measure.’ [via Feeling Listless]
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19 May 2008
[politics] Boris Watchers … a blog taking a close look at new London Mayor Boris Johnson … ‘Boris Watchers has been set up to scrutinise the new Mayoralty of Boris Johnson. The blog aims to become a Wiki-style tool for constantly scrutinising the new administration in City Hall. We sure can’t trust the Evening Standard to keep an eye on him!’ Also worth checking out: Lolboris … 
18 May 2008
17 May 2008
[tech] Data Recovered From Melted Columbia Disk Drives … Is is more crazy that you can drop a melted hard drive from orbit and still recover data from it or that they still use DOS on the Space Shuttle? ‘…at the core of the drive, the spinning metal platters that actually store data were not warped. They had been gouged and pitted, but the 340-megabyte drive was only half full, and the damage happened where data had not yet been written. Edwards attributes that to a lucky twist: The computer was running an ancient operating system, DOS, which does not scatter data all over drives as other approaches do.’
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16 May 2008
[tv] Headmistress to the Nation … Anna Pickard on Margaret Mountford from The Apprentice … ‘As contestant Michael Sophocles celebrated his team’s Singles’ Day greetings cards having won the task – by dint of being the “least worst” product on offer – with whoops, shouts and air-punching, Mountford could not have looked more disgusted had he marched an army of water buffalo into the boardroom and asked them all to fart on cue.’
[tags: People, TV][ permalink][ Comments Off on Anna Pickard on Margaret Mountford from the Apprentice]
15 May 2008
14 May 2008
[comics] Commentary Track: “Invincible Iron Man” #1 … Matt Fraction discusses his latest comic … ‘Well, here’s another essential key to Tony, for me– the cad, the ladies’ man. The thing about Bond I always loved is his confidence in social situations — he always knows what to wear and how to wear it, what to order, what to drink, how to play Baccarat… the superspy stuff is a blast, but the character appeal to me — the real aspect of escapism and wish fulfillment to me — is in that social assurance. So I want to play that up in Tony.’
13 May 2008
[comics] The Comic Book Script Archive … interesting list of scripts from Alan Moore, Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction, Brian K. Vaughan and many others… From Alan Moore’s intro to the Killing Joke script: ‘I want you to feel as comfortable and unrestricted as possible during the several months of your bitterly brief mortal lifespan that you’ll spend working on this job, so just lay back and mellow out. Take your shoes and socks off. Fiddle around inbetween your toes. Nobody cares.’
12 May 2008
[007] The name’s Ronson, Jon Ronson … Ronson follows one of the journeys of James Bond … I phone Zoe Watkins at the Ian Fleming Centre, the literary estate. She’s known within Bond circles for having an encyclopedic knowledge of the books.
“I want to recreate a great Bond journey,” I say. “I want to take a passage from one of the novels and assiduously match Bond car for car, road for road, meal for meal, drink for drink, hotel for hotel.”
“What a wonderful idea,” she says. “But which journey do you want to recreate?”
“I dunno,” I shrug. “One in Moonraker?”
“Moonraker is basically a drive from London to Margate,” Zoe says. “Fleming’s fans were disappointed by the absence of exotic locations.”
11 May 2008
[oyster] Oyster Meltdown … another video of the uses of an oystercard dissolved in Acetone … ‘I melted the Oystercard in acetone and explored different antenna layouts. (very small, as a stick, foldable, etc.)’
9 May 2008