15 October 2008
14 October 2008
13 October 2008
[blogs] Sad Guys on Trading Floors … ‘Turning the economic crisis into one of those clever internet memes.’
[comics] Top 10 graphic novels by Danny Fingeroth … ‘For my top 10, I decided to take the crème de la crème, the graphic novels that I most enjoyed. These are graphic novels, some famous, some less well-known, that do what all great literature does, in that they give you such a pleasurable experience while reading that you’re simultaneously eager to uncover the ending, yet also dreading it, knowing that the experience will then be over.’
12 October 2008
[funny] I guess this has happened to us all at least once: You Fell Asleep Watching A DVD. [via Waxy]
11 October 2008
[twitter] Stephen Fry’s Twitter … ‘Golly, crumbs, heckamighty and all the powerful legal swears and cusses Twitter will allow…’
10 October 2008
[gmail] How to Embed Images into a Gmail … useful tip and I always forget how to do it! … ‘Drag your mouse across the image so the whole image gets selected or highlighted (it would turn dark to indicate that it is successfully highlighted/selected). don’t miss that part. then while it is selected/highlighted, right-click your mouse over it, then from the menu which appears, choose COPY. (It works in Firefox too. You just have to make sure you “COPY” NOT “COPY IMAGE”.)’
8 October 2008
5 October 2008
[banks] The Money Meltdown … nicely-done one page website explaining the credit crunch.
3 October 2008
[comics] Brown Now! … a comic interview with Chester Brown looking at his libertarian political beliefs. [via Mondo A-Go-Go]
[fun] The Sound Effect Generator … fun webpage from the Surrealist … [via Neilalien]
2 October 2008
[comics] Alan Moore Knows the Score … the Guardian art critic on Moore …
I wouldn’t want to make him sound respectable. Moore’s comics are utterly mad. He believes in the occult and is a practising Magus. In Black Dossier his characters end up in a mystic alternate reality which he seems to be claiming is a real place, not a fiction. In fact he appears to believe that fictional personae have their own existence in some spiritual realm he can access through magic. Now you’re disturbed. Well, we’re always being told art should disturb. Moore makes artists like the Chapmans look like the middle-class entertainers they are. He’s a real force of imagination in a world that is full of fakes. 29 September 2008
[comics] The 50 Things That Every Comics Collection Truly Needs … ’22. A Selection of Comics That Interest You That You Can’t Explain To Anyone Else — Every great comics collection needs something inexplicable and odd to it…’
27 September 2008
[useful] A Checklist for Landing a 747 Jet … ‘Turn on the autobrakes when the plane starts descending.’ [via Kottke]
26 September 2008
[dawkins] Richard Dawkins Hate Mail …
25 September 2008
[movies] Trailer to Synecdoche … Charlie Kaufman’s new film … ‘There are millions of people in the world. And none of those people is an extra. They’re all leads in their own stories.’ [via Fimoculous]
[comics] Grant Morrison’s Favourite Superman Issues and Moments … On Superman vs. Muhammad Ali: ‘How could you forget that one? Because it had to happen! I had to travel many, many miles to find that comic. I remember getting it and it didn’t quite live up to the hype. But the more and more the years go by, the better that comic gets [because of] the contortions they go through to make sure Ali wins.’
24 September 2008
[comics] Concordance: 2000 AD … a glossary from the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic … ‘Earthlettes – similar to Earthlets, but applied to females only. This caused a furore on the letters page and eventually was deprecated in favour of the now gender-neutral term “earthlets”, though now “Terrans” seems to be in vogue.’
23 September 2008
[internet] Sept. 19, 1982: Can’t You Take a Joke? … Wired on the origins of the emoticon … ‘The modern emoticon does trace its lineage directly to Fahlman, who says he came up with the idea after reading “lengthy diatribes” from people on the message board who failed to get the joke or the sarcasm in a particular post.’
22 September 2008
[funny] The Onion – EPA Shuts Down Local Ghost-Entrapment Business … ‘Though its incarcerated employees were unavailable for comment, the company released a statement denying any wrongdoing. The statement also repudiated claims that those associated with the spectral-entrapment operation were afraid of any individual ghost, and went on to say that the act of capturing said ghosts simply made them “feel good.” Despite being a relatively new discipline, specter reclamation, more popularly referred to as “phantom-busting,” has enjoyed enormous success in recent weeks due to a massive increase in paranormal phenomena in the New York area.’
21 September 2008
[end] How To Destroy The Earth … ‘You’ve seen the action movies where the bad guy threatens to destroy the Earth. You’ve heard people on the news claiming that the next nuclear war or cutting down rainforests or persisting in releasing hideous quantities of pollution into the atmosphere threatens to end the world. Fools. The Earth is built to last. It is a 4,550,000,000-year-old, 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000-tonne ball of iron. It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you’ve had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily.’ [via Metafilter]
20 September 2008
[comics] From Batman to Incognito, Ed Brubaker Loves the Ultraviolence … Ed Brubaker interview from Wired … ‘I think noir and comics really do go together, yeah. I think the use of close-ups and angles and shadows in noir is really influential to modern comics in general. They taught guys like Eisner and Toth and Johnny Craig how to establish mood on the page.’
19 September 2008
[life] Make the Switch … useful FAQ on energy-efficient lightbulbs … ‘With an old-style 100W bulb, you’re effectively switching on a 20W light source and an 80W electric heater.’
18 September 2008
[mp3] Get Better Genius Recommendations in iTunes … ‘Don’t customize genres. You may think Aphex Twin’s Come to Daddy belongs in a genre like “Avant Garde” or “Techno,” but the iTunes Store database (which Genius queries) insists it’s “Dance/Electronica.” Change your genres to conflict with iTunes and your recommendations will suffer.’
17 September 2008
[comics] How the mighty Maus fuelled my flights of fancy … Ken Russell on Comics … ‘Comics seem to cater to a certain class of berserkers and brainiacs who like to absorb the big issues through gorgeous drawings, seditious characterisation and wild plots.’ [thanks Kabir]
16 September 2008
[books] Robert Heinlein’s Fan Mail Form Letter … a 1960’s solution for authors dealing with fan-mail …
![]() 15 September 2008
[comics] Menace taken out of Dennis to avoid accusations of gay-bashing Walter … the Times on how political correctness neutered Dennis the Menace in the late 1980’s … ‘We eventually gave Walter a girlfriend too, as a measure to combat any further criticism.’
[funny] FCU: Fact Checkers Unit … funny short film starring Bill Murray … ‘Fact: Somebody left a floater in the third stall.’ [more…]
12 September 2008
[science] Large Hadron Collider Webcams … watch closely – you can see the Collider energise every 42 Tachyon loops.
11 September 2008
[tv] When reality bites, it leaves deep scars … Behind the scenes at the Jeremy Kyle Show …
‘When he does reveal the all-important DNA results, it’s absolute mayhem: ‘Right, here we go… the DNA results…she was 120 per cent sure. He found bruises on her legs, he was only 25 per cent sure. The DNA tests show that Jamie… is the child’s father!’ The crowd is in uproar. Booing, jeering cheering, screaming, whistling, shouting insults. Gemma, points her finger at Jamie and screams, ‘Wanker! Wanker! Wanker!’ And so the baby girl, in years to come, will be able to watch, time and again, the moment the world found out the identity of her daddy.’ |