15 November 2008
[funny] Good / Bad / Meh Things To Say During Sex‘Madre Mio!’
14 November 2008
[comics] Batman Sues Batman Over Batman … apparently there is a town in Turkey called Batman which is located on the Batman River in the Batman Province… ‘There is only one Batman in the world…’
12 November 2008
[comics] Barack Obama: The 50 facts you might not know‘He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics.’
11 November 2008
[comics] The Trial of the Sober Dog … the comic strip from Nick Abadzis which is currently being published in the Times is also available online (the link above will send you to the first episode – the current one is here).
10 November 2008
8 November 2008
[comics] Salman Rushdie: Comic Fan‘The Satanic Verses author owns oil paintings of Spider-Man and Wolverine, signed by Stan Lee. Also, he collected comic books as a kid, but, sadly, his father threw them away. “They’d be worth so much money now if he hadn’t done that. You know, 1950s and sixties Dell Comics, and Marvel; it would be worth a fortune,” he said.’
[life] An Affair To Remember … a sad and fascinating article discussing the emotional, moral and practical issues around older people having sex in care homes … ‘And his sputtering cell phone call reporting the scene he’d happened upon would have been funny, the manager said, if the consequences hadn’t been so serious. “He was going, ‘She had her mouth on my dad’s penis! And it’s not even clean!’ ” Bob’s son became determined to keep the two apart and asked the facility’s staff to ensure that they were never left alone together. After that, Dorothy stopped eating. She lost 21 pounds, was treated for depression, and was hospitalized for dehydration. When Bob was finally moved out of the facility in January, she sat in the window for weeks waiting for him. She doesn’t do that anymore, though: “Her Alzheimer’s is protecting her at this point,” says her doctor…’
7 November 2008
[funny] Matt Webb’s 100 Head Cattle Drive 2008 … go help Matt achieve his dream …‘I like small plastic cows. I don’t know why. I haven’t owned any until today. For many years I have wanted a herd for my home. Perhaps 100 or so. Yes, 100 would do nicely. DO NOT ASK ME WHY. (I think it would be a neat thing.) … A promise: IF I GET 100 × SCHLEICH HOLSTEIN OR FLECKVIEH COWS, I WILL DONATE £500 TO A CHARITY CHOSEN BY MAJORITY VOTE.’
6 November 2008
[comics] Help me find my next favorite graphic novel. … great list of comics from Ask Metafilter‘All-star Superman just wrapped up and it was fantastic. Easily the best “new” comic I’ve read.’
4 November 2008
[comics] Philip Bond does John Romita Snr

3 November 2008
[comics] Alan Moore on the Shadow … early Alan Moore text piece from 1970 – another scanned rarity from the Glycon’s Livejournal‘Apparently Gibson (who, I might add was also a professional magician) had written the story, and all that was left was for S&S to find a suitable cover. The only one they could find however, with anything like a shadow featured on it showed an inscrutable oriental type cowering against a wall. The Shadow, it seems, was his own. (Damn clever these Chinese!) Unfortunately, Gibson’s story didn’t feature any orientals, so naturally rather than give S&S the trouble of finding a new cover, Gibson rewrote the whole thing. (Rumour has it that Gibson invented the Shadow at five o’clock while he was shaving).’
[comics] Garry Trudeau Submits Doonesbury Cartoons Featuring Senator Obama Win … Trudeau: ‘, the most respected of the polling analysts, is now giving McCain a 3.7% chance of winning (and that’s without factoring in the huge lead Obama’s taken in early voting), so I guess I like my odds. Still, we supplied our clients with a week of reruns, just in case.’
2 November 2008
[comics] Steve Ditko’s Birthday! … fabulous Scans_Daily post celebrating Ditko’s 81st birthday … ‘You may recognize the name Ditko as the creator of many of your favorite comic characters such as… ah, the names escape me… Spider-something or other. Anyway, he’s a comics legend, an innovator, and he’s still making comics. I have cobbled a few of my personal favorite Ditko pieces, some not seen too often and others never to be reprinted elsewhere…’
[funny] Dolphins Evolve Opposable Thumbs; ‘Oh, Shit’ Says Humanity’

“I believe I speak for the entire human race when I say, ‘Holy fuck,'” said Oceanographic Institute director Dr. James Aoki, noting that the dolphin has a cranial capacity 40 percent greater than that of humans. “That’s it for us monkeys.”

1 November 2008
31 October 2008
[funny] Can you take a velociraptor with a crowbar?‘So it happend that you pissed of a Velociraptor. You where lucky to bring a crowbar to the fight, but the Velociraptor is fast, fearless and racist. Can you take it?’
30 October 2008
[comics] Local: theories and defences … a chapter from Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly’s collected comic series … ‘Crossing genres as it crosses the country, Local examines Megan McKeenan, a young woman who sets off from Portland, OR with nothing but a backpack and a bad case of wanderlust…’
29 October 2008
[comics] Steve Bell RSS Feed … official Guardian feed of all Steve’s current “If…” and editorial cartoons. Does anybody know if there is an unofficial feed with inline images anywhere?
28 October 2008
[movies] Dog Day Afternoon … a page about the Al Pacino movie Dog Day Afternoon which includes a Life Magazine article about the real robbery which inspired the movie … ‘Inside the bank is bedlam. Bank robbers and hostages listening to live radio coverage of the caper. Phone calls going out, phone calls coming in. “I hope they kill you all,” a voice, at the end of the line tells bank manager Barrett. “Make your move now,” whispers another voice, calling every 15 minutes.’
[comics] Japan PM complains he’s too busy to read his comics‘Aso, who takes comics on trips abroad, said he finished reading two weekly magazines last week but has yet to find time to read two others. “It’s hard to read comic books as my time is now restricted,” a smiling Aso told an audience of hundreds in his first street speech since taking office on September 24.’ [via ¡Journalista!]
27 October 2008
[comics] Grant Morrison on All Star Superman:

‘In the end, I saw Superman not as a superhero or even a science fiction character, but as a story of Everyman. We’re all Superman in our own adventures. We have our own Fortresses of Solitude we retreat to, with our own special collections of valued stuff, our own super-pets, our own “Bottle Cities” that we feel guilty for neglecting. We have our own peers and rivals and bizarre emotional or moral tangles to deal with.

I felt I’d really grasped the concept when I saw him as Everyman, or rather as the dreamself of Everyman. That “S” is the radiant emblem of divinity we reveal when we rip off our stuffy shirts, our social masks, our neuroses, our constructed selves, and become who we truly are.’

20 October 2008
[comics] Jonathan Ross on Watchmen‘But what makes this a genre-transcending bona fide masterpiece is that, alongside the pulse-pounding action and suspense, the soap-opera style romantic dilemmas and the story of some good but misguided people trying to apply simple remedies to complex maladies, Moore and Gibbons also manage to deliver a devastating critique that cuts to the very heart of the pitiful, timid male fantasy that is the superhero genre at its purest and worst: muscular men and busty women in tight costumes solving all the world’s problems with a well-placed punch or a blast of super-breath.’ [via Forbidden Planet’s Blog]
19 October 2008
[comics] Comica 2008 Schedule‘London’s International Comics Festival returns to the ICA and other venues, including an exhibition in the ICA Concourse Gallery, between November 14 and 26, 2008.’
[space] Ten Mysteries of the Solar System‘Why does Uranus rotate on its side? Strange planet is Uranus. Whilst all the other planets in the Solar System more-or-less have their axis of rotation pointing “up” from the ecliptic plane, Uranus is lying on its side, with an axial tilt of 98 degrees.’ [via Robot Wisdom]
18 October 2008
[comics] Alan Moore CD Covers … a collection of the covers of Moore’s musical output from the Glycon blog (a must-visit site for anybody interested in Alan Moore rarities.)
17 October 2008
[tv] In “Stop the Pigeon” – the cartoon with Dick Dastardly and Mutley – what was it that the pigeon was carrying that was so important that it had to be stopped?‘I remember from a book I owned as a child that eventually Dick Dastardly got hold of the pigeon’s bag and found it to contain birdseed.’
16 October 2008
[funny] ‘I Am Under 18’ Button Clicked For First Time In History Of Internet … from the Onion‘In an unprecedented and historic event Monday, the “I Am Under 18” button, an Internet security device which if selected restricts access to websites featuring adult content, was clicked for the first time ever. “I knew I could simply claim to be over 18 and continue onto my desired destination, but I also realized that I would have to live with that lie for the rest of my life,” said local resident Garrett Kinley, 17.’
15 October 2008
[blog] Ask LMG: Does anybody know what happened to the Linkbunnies blog? It’s been unavailable for at least a couple of weeks and I guess there are a couple of readers scratching their heads wondering what happened… (Update: The Answer)

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