16 November 2009
[bdj] Now that I’m Not Anonymous — Belle de Jour outed herself yesterday in the Sunday Times. Old time UK bloggers may remember her other blog Methylsalicylate from 2000/2001. The Times described it as a “science blog” but as I remember it was a link blog in the style inspired by Jorn Barger. That’s right… I’ll say it again: Belle de Jour was a LINK BLOGGER.
14 November 2009
[fun] Go play: Drench … a fun, simple flash game.
13 November 2009
Facebook Status Bolsters Alibi In Armed Robbery Case‘His defence lawyer, Robert Reuland, admitted that it might be possible for anyone who knew Bradford Junior’s username and password to have made the update, while dismissing the scenario as highly unlikely. “This implies a level of criminal genius that you would not expect from a young boy like this. He is not Dr. Evil,” Reuland told The New York Times…’
12 November 2009
[funny] Lamebook … a real guilty pleasure website … [more…]
11 November 2009
[movies] In Praise Of The Sci-Fi Corridor … On the corridors in Alien: ‘Ridley Scott knows that corridors matter in a horror (or ‘haunted house’) movie, but these marvellous sets are also being showcased to sell the gritty and grimy, commercial and industrial reality of the Nostromo as well. The upper sections related to the command deck were dirtied down with gold and black paint after a reshuffle of sections in order to convey the grittier world inhabited and Parker and Brett on the engineering level.’ [via Metafilter]
10 November 2009
9 November 2009
[comics] 70 Facts You Didn’t Know About Marvel Comics‘Artist John Romita Jr based the Daredevil villain Typhoid Mary on his ex-wife.’
[funny] Vague Scientist‘Apparently reality is sort of a Jammie Dodger but with bad matter where the jam would be.’
8 November 2009
[twitter] Nigel Molesworth is on Twitter: ‘sunda wot a dredful da it lede to kontemplasion of ones MORTALITE o how werey stale flatt & unproffitabel seem to me all the uses ect ect’ [link]
6 November 2009
[comics] Rediscovered: Joe Matt’s How To Be Cheap [more…]
[music] The Music Of Grant Morrison: Torturted Soul / October … Grant Morrison on vocals with The Fauves‘There was talk of some sort of CD of GM related stuff being collected a few years back but I don’t think anything ever came of it. A pity. Anyway, I have no record sleeve scan, so here’s a picture of singer and cat. Meow.’
5 November 2009
[comics] A List Of Favorite Comic Book Cliches‘We’ll always have a soft spot for Julie Newmar as Catwoman in the 1966 “Batman” TV show, if only for the matter-of-fact way that she told Batman that they could both be happy if he’d just let her kill Robin.’
4 November 2009
[funny] The Homeopathic Webcomic‘Diluted With Blank Pixels 1,000,000 Times…’
[space] The Average Color of the Universe‘The answer, depicted above, is a conditionally perceived shade of beige.’
3 November 2009
[funny] Go Look: Gonzo Journalism

Gonzo Journalism...

2 November 2009
[tv] Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome‘Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome (also SORAS or rapid aging) is the term used to describe the aging of a television character (usually an infant or child, but also sometimes a teenager) that is faster than they should be aging, given the timeline of the show. The process is usually done to allow for more rapid character development, and to allow the writers to develop new storylines for the character.’
1 November 2009
[war] Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine … fascinating look at the dead-man’s switch the Soviet’s have deployed as part of their strategy of nuclear deterrence … ‘Perimeter was never meant as a traditional doomsday machine. The Soviets had taken game theory one step further than Kubrick, Szilard, and everyone else: They built a system to deter themselves. By guaranteeing that Moscow could hit back, Perimeter was actually designed to keep an overeager Soviet military or civilian leader from launching prematurely during a crisis.’
31 October 2009
[war] Secrets Hope As Hitler Aide Dies … [via Warren Ellis]

He also told the German newspaper how he was dismissed by Hitler over a bizarre incident involving a fly.

The fly had been buzzing around the room during a strategy conference in July 1944, irritating the Nazi leader.

Hitler ordered Mr Darges to get rid of it, but the SS adjutant suggested that as it was an “airborne pest” the job should go to Luftwaffe adjutant, Nicolaus von Below.

He said Hitler then flew into a rage and dismissed him, saying: “You’re for the eastern front.”

30 October 2009
[books] Meet Stephen King’s Gore Specialist‘Dorr has consulted on classics like The Shining, Pet Sematary, Misery, and Cell. (For Misery, Dorr told King how to cauterize a wound with a blowtorch and which body parts can be surgically removed without killing the victim.)’
[funny] Church Sign FAIL‘The class on Prophecy has been canceled…’
29 October 2009
[comics] The Haiku of the Ancient Sub-Mariner … great gag strip from Evan Dorkin‘Angry, So Angry…’
27 October 2009
[funny] Employment Wanted – Former Marijuana Smuggler‘During this time I also co-owned and participated in the executive level management of 120 people worldwide in a successful pot smuggling venture with revenues in excess of US$100 million annually.’ [more…]
[funny] Glanced At: Information Vs. Confusion
[space] How Many People Are In Space Right Now?‘6 – all on ISS’
26 October 2009
[weird] Meet the Georgetown University Sophomore Who’s Hiring a Personal Assistant‘Tasks such as doing laundry that involve a lot of waiting around (time when you could be doing other tasks or doing your own stuff) will be counted for the approximate amount of time it would take to do the labor involved. For instance, laundry will be counted for half an hour even though a laundry cycle takes 1.5 hrs to complete.’