21 April 2010
[comics] What are you, dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I’M THE GODDAMN CATMAN!


20 April 2010
[funny] Tucker’s Law … be warned: extreme swearing. NSFW. ‘…I’ve got that embroidered on a tea towel at home.’
19 April 2010
[politics] Guido Fawkes Dreaming – The Change Coalition: ‘In what is the iconic picture of the election, Cameron walks out of his Millbank headquarters along the Thames embankment to 4 Cowley Street where Nick Clegg greets him and together they walk purposefully towards the Mall surrounded by photographers and cameramen as crowds cheer…’
18 April 2010
[comics] How The Flash looks on Android and iPhone … is this why DC Comics doesn’t have an iPhone/iPad app yet? :)
17 April 2010
[politics] Who has David Cameron been talking to?‘Last week, I met a gay burglar, who told me that climate change hysteria killed Diana.’ [via @Royston Robertson]
16 April 2010
[comics] Cartooning Advice: Zippy’s Bill Griffith gives his Top 40 List on Creating Comics‘Sitting at a drawing table for 37 years can be hard on the neck and the upper back. Get up every half hour or so and stretch. Do neck and upper back stretching exercises every day as you get older.’
[iphone] Victor Keegan: My First iPhone App … a retiring Guardian tech writer on the thinking behind his first iPhone app …‘This month I finally left the Guardian after nearly 47 years. At the end of last week I had my 70th birthday and today my first iPhone app came out.’ [via Meg]
15 April 2010
[death] The DeathList 2010 … the internet dead pool. Herbert Lom (93) and Ray Bradbury (90) are still with us? Who knew?
14 April 2010
[blogs] High Court: Moderate User Comments And You’re Liable‘A blog owner can avoid liability for user-generated content that appears on his site without being checked or moderated, the High Court has ruled. But fixing the spelling or grammar in users’ posts could lose him that protection, it said.’
13 April 2010
[comics] Alan Moore – The Spanish Impersonation‘When I was young I travelled to Andorra and bought a radio cassette player. However, I usually travel to fourth dimension.’

12 April 2010
[space] Voyager 1 & 2’s Infinite Playlist‘These songs were etched into a 12-inch, gold plated copper record that was placed aboard the two spaceships in 1977.’ [via Kottke]
11 April 2010
[comics] Comic Book Cartography … a collection of maps and cutaways from comic books.
9 April 2010
[funny] Worth-A-Look: This CatGet ExcitedFatman.
[weird] The Porn Detection Stick … when you absolutely positively gotta find all the porn hidden on a computer – Accept no substitutes.
8 April 2010
[dailyfail] 100 Essential Phrases To Include In A Letter To The Daily Mail‘and immigration that is out of control. – Steve Guff (ex-pat), Alicante, Spain’ [via Bad Journalism]
[comics] Brendan McCarthy discusses Spiderman: Fever‘When you write and draw it yourself, you can keep changing or finessing right up to the last moment. You can radically alter what you’ve written or drawn. You can spontaneously do what the moment dictates. It’s exciting and I really like it, but it’s a very intense way of working. Finding the story and making sure it doesn’t follow obvious routes was the challenge. All writers know about that glorious moment when the characters start to ‘talk back’ to you. That’s the point when you absolutely know what they would or wouldn’t say or do.’
7 April 2010
[wired] Wired Reread … a blog looking back at the adverts in the early 1990’s issues of Wired Magazine – plenty of oddities like the Sony Malvica Floppy Disk Digital Camera [via Waxy]
5 April 2010
[space] Neptune May Have Eaten A Planet And Stolen Its Moon‘Neptune may have polished off a super-Earth that once roamed the outer solar system and stolen its moon to boot. The brutal deed could explain mysterious heat radiating from the icy planet and the odd orbit of its moon Triton.’
4 April 2010
2 April 2010
[health] Snake oil? Scientific Evidence For Health Supplements … brilliantly done infographic from David McCandless.
31 March 2010
[morris] New Details on Errol Morris’ Next Documentary, Tabloid‘His next film, Tabloid, is a considerable departure from his previous film, Standard Operating Procedure, and centers on the fascinating figure of former Miss Wyoming, convicted rapist, and dog-cloning supporter Joyce McKinney.’
29 March 2010
[funny] The Daily Mail Song‘Ian Huntley gets his own jacuzzi and gym in jail.’ [via Belle de Jour]

[comics] Comic book artist ends life at suicide clinic after battle with MS … The Telegraph on the death of John HicklentonBefore he went to Dignitas, he told Pat Mills, the founder of 2000 AD: “MS, you have a week to live. You’ve met someone you shouldn’t have fucked with.”
28 March 2010
[funny] Eating off the People’s Princess … if Daily Express readers knew what a Tumblr was they’d find this very offensive … ‘A crown of Di-ritos.’
26 March 2010
25 March 2010
[work] Intranet Secrets‘Our most popular intranet blog post ever was a rant that complained about the queuing system at the supermarket next door. It had even more hits than when we announced the bonus payment.’
24 March 2010
[mars] Abstract And Affecting, The New Mars Pictures Are A Confrontation With The Sublime … Sam Leith On Photographs Of Mars… ‘These photographs inspire not only awe and wonder, but also a sort of longing. None of us alive at this moment – possibly no human ever – will see these landscapes with our own eyes. And yet here are the pictures. For me, they have the same effect as great paintings or photographs – a feeling that something impossible has been made present, while remaining just out of reach.’
22 March 2010
[crime] Andrew O’Hagen on Jon Venables and the murder of Jamie Bulger [via Sore Eyes] …

Now, at this distance, I realise Venables is nearly 30. I find the confluence, if that’s the word, of his ruination and my visibility disturbing. At some level, I will always feel I could have been Venables and the more opportunity I get to make myself understood, the more it becomes obvious that he will never escape condemnation, the thing John Major called for more of in his statement at the time of the trial. I have dreams about the boys, and sometimes dream I am the person in the CCTV footage who walks past them with a shopping bag at the exact moment they abducted James. I can see the butcher’s shop where James’s mother is waiting for her change; I see the floor tiles reflecting shadows and hear the mall’s muzak bending sinister as the shoppers go about their business. I hear the echoing swimming-pool clamour of the ordinary day about to go wrong…

[funny] Worth a look: Batman vs. The GerbilsFantasy LeagueNothing Happened.
21 March 2010
[woz] Steve Wozniak is on Twitter: ‘Rare massage (for me), then dance practice. No pain, no gain. Awkward but fun, this dancing. I still can’t do Macarena.’ [link]