13 July 2010
[moore] Hipster Priest … yet another great interview with Alan Moore

In the past I’ve tried to say, ‘Look, we are all crappy superheroes,’ because personal computers and mobile phone devices are things that only Bat Man and Mr Fantastic would have owned back in the sixties. We’ve all got this immense power and we’re still sat at home watching pornography and buying scratch cards. We’re rubbish, even though we are as gods.

12 July 2010
[comics] Go Look: Chester Brown’s Movie Poster For Year Of The Canivore … also: here’s the movie trailer on YouTube to provide some background on the movie … [more…]
[comics] J. Jonah Jameson is on Twitter


11 July 2010
[comics] Vinnie Colletta’s Exit ‘Conversation’ … a fascinating (and raw) interview with Vinnie Colletta apparently days after Jim Shooter was fired from Marvel in 1987. ‘… and I read the beeper and it said, “I’ve been fired”. Jesus Christ! He usually calls me on the beeper because he gets me anywhere I am. He calls me on the beeper and says, “I’ve been fired,” I nearly had a heart attack and I called him straight back. The only thing I can do to stand by him is give him sound advice because sometimes when you’re in the middle you don’t see the truth, you know?’
10 July 2010
[funny] Columbo Box Set‘I bring pornographic pictures… and the opinions of angry children!’
9 July 2010
[funny] Ãœnited Stätes Toughens Image With Umlauts‘In a move designed to make the United States seem more “bad-assed and scary in a quasi-heavy-metal manner,” Congress officially changed the nation’s name to the Ãœnited Stätes of Ämerica Monday.’
[comics] Crackpots In Computer Security … an example of the nutty emails sent to the Microsoft security team …‘HE CAN INTRUDE AT WILL. HE COULD BE VERY DANGEROUS. LAST FRIDAY YOUR DEPT HAS GPS SEARCHING, BUT THE HACKER CUT US OFF. THEN TRASHED 4 OF MY PCS.’
8 July 2010
[blogs] The Evolving Blogosphere: An Empire Gives Way … The Economist on the decline of blogging …‘Blogs are a confection of several things that do not necessarily have to go together: easy-to-use publishing tools, reverse-chronological ordering, a breezy writing style and the ability to comment. But for maintaining an online journal or sharing links and photos with friends, services such as Facebook and Twitter (which broadcasts short messages) are quicker and simpler.’
[comics] 10 Things You Need To Know Before You Read ‘Shadowland’ … Chris Sims tells you everything you need to know about Marvel’s newest cross-over … ‘Daredevil’s been having a pretty rough time since about 1981.’
7 July 2010
[movies] A Religion for Toys … a movie review that describes the theology behind Toy Story 3 … ‘In the theology of Toy Story, Andy is God and Woody is his prophet. He is more Moses than Jesus. For one thing, he is orthodox. In the theology of toys, the ideal is to be owned and to be played with. Of these two, it is more important to be owned, and to be owned by one God only. Andy’s room is heaven…’
6 July 2010
[movies] The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time … be warned: extreme swearing. NSFW … ‘Fuck you, fuckball!’
[comics] Marvel Editors…you are the droppings of the creative world … the text of a letter that Vinnie Colletta wrote to Marvel’s editorial staff after editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter was fired in 1987 … ‘Displaying more class and poise in defeat than all of you did in victory… Jesus had one Judas… Jim had many, those that speared him and worse, those that watched…’
5 July 2010
[funny] Go Look: Jason Donervan [from Cleanskies’ Photostream]
[science] The Undead Henrietta Lacks And Her Immortal Dynasty … Adam Curtis has posted his BBC documentary on the story of Henrietta Lacks on to his blog‘Henrietta Lacks’ cells are immortal.’
4 July 2010
[funny] Hi, I’m Troy McClure. You may remember me from… ‘Preacher with a Shovel’
3 July 2010
[funny] Communists Now Least Threatening Group In U.S.‘The Red Menace has been surpassed by militia groups, religious extremists, ecoterrorists, cybercriminals, Hollywood producers, and angry drivers.’
2 July 2010
[comics] The Dark Knight Operates‘You don’t understand, boy. This isn’t an operating table…’
1 July 2010
30 June 2010
[moore] The Infinite Monkey Cage Podcast … a BBC science podcast with Alan Moore, Jonathan Ross, Brian Cox, Robin Ince and Brian Greene discussing science fiction (available till next Monday).
[comics] Homeopathy … another comic on health and science issues from Daryl Cunningham

Darryl Cunningham On Homeopathy

29 June 2010
[funny] George Osborne to put coma patients to work as draft excluders‘Look at all those coma patients, what sort of middle class family wouldn’t want such an eco-friendly draft excluder? It’s all natural and 100% biodegradable.’ [via Unreliably Witnessed]
[tech] The Enemy Within … Interesting article by Mark Bowden on the history behind The Conficker Worm

“Take Windows,” he explained. “The understanding of Windows’ operating system, and how it worked in the kernel, needed that kind of a domain expert, and they had that kind of ability there. And we realized as a community that we were not dealing with something normal. We’re dealing with one of two things: either we’re dealing with incredibly sophisticated cyber criminals, or we’re dealing with a group that was funded by a nation-state. Because this wasn’t the kind of team that you could just assemble by getting your five buddies who play Xbox 360 and saying, ‘Let’s all work together and see what we can do.’”

28 June 2010
[comics] Metafilter Discuss The Best Batman Comics … a mixed bag of fun links to various Batman panels and comics … ‘PLEASE! Can anyone find for me the Superfriends clip where Batman is guarding Fort Knox and he gets tricked into drinking drugged chicken soup by a mad scientist posing as a street vendor and Batman actually asks if the soup is fresh before buying it? Please? Anyone? I SWEAR I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!’ [link]
[comics] Dan Clowes new comic Wilson reviewed‘Bereaved and bereft, a middle-aged divorcee sits at the edge of a children’s playpark and indulges in regrets over the family he might have had. But within moments he interrupts his reverie to call out: “Hey! Can you get that brat to shut up for two fucking seconds!?” Welcome to the world of Wilson, self-declared “people person”, misanthrope, gasbag, egomaniac and dog lover. Daniel Clowes has created a monster, but a monster who refreshes our empathy for humans in all their unloveliness.’
26 June 2010
[music] Go listen to The Beach Boys: A capella (just the vocals of various tracks) and recordings from a rehersal session in 1967.
25 June 2010
[weird] Building A Homemade Nuclear Reactor In NYC‘By day, Mark Suppes is a web developer for fashion giant Gucci. By night, he cycles to a New York warehouse and tinkers with his own nuclear fusion reactor.’
24 June 2010
[tech] A History Of Media Technology Scares, From The Printing Press To Facebook‘These concerns stretch back to the birth of literacy itself. In parallel with modern concerns about children’s overuse of technology, Socrates famously warned against writing because it would “create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories.” He also advised that children can’t distinguish fantasy from reality, so parents should only allow them to hear wholesome allegories and not “improper” tales, lest their development go astray.’
[tv] Tommy Westphall’s Mind: A Multiverse Explored … apparently a big chunk of American TV exists entirely in the head of a autistic child who appeared in the last episode of St. Elsewhere (including Law and Order: Special Victims Unit – weird kid!) … ‘Tommy’s mind is a tricky thing to decipher.’ [via Metafilter]
23 June 2010
[moore] Not the World Cup Special 1982 … A rare Alan Moore comic on football from 1982.