27 March 2014
[ipsum] Translating Lorem Ipsum … What does the filler text “lorem ipsum” mean? … ‘The text itself has been designed not to communicate, to have the look of text but no meaning – but meaning bubbles up through it nonetheless. The 16th-century printer who came up with it got there by mangling Cicero’s ‘De finibus bonorum et malorum’, an exposition of Stoicism, Epicureanism and the Platonism of Antiochus of Ascalon. Though most of the metaphysical subtlety has been wrung out, sense hasn’t completely: the text is haunted, as Derrida might have put it, by the piece of writing it once was.’ [via As Above]
17 December 2013
[words] OED birthday word generator: which words originated in your birth year?‘1970. Your OED birthday word is: laugh-out-loud, adj. Meaning: Likely to cause one to laugh out loud; hilarious.’