11 June 2010
[tv] Tasks people continue to do while being questioned by Law and Order detectives … ‘Dust a chandelier’
11 June 2010
[tv] Tasks people continue to do while being questioned by Law and Order detectives … ‘Dust a chandelier’
8 June 2010
[tv] Big Brother changed my life, but the time is right for it to bow out … Anna Nolan On The End Of Big Brother … ‘As I was sitting on that couch 10 years ago, all cameras on Craig and me, waiting for the show’s presenter, Davina McCall, to call out the winner’s name, two thoughts went through my head. The first was: “I could kill for a pint of lager”; the second: “How do they choose the winner?” I had not seen how we came across, I didn’t know yet that the production of this massive show brought narratives, drama, love stories and war into what had seemed an uneventful 10 weeks. Big Brother had created personalities out of all of us, and we were the last to know.’
21 May 2010
[tv] Eye of the storm: Adam Curtis, the BBC’s in-house provocateur … long engrossing profile / interview of Adam Curtis …
‘It can be hard to identify the cinematic progenitors of the Curtis aesthetic because his films sometimes seem like outward manifestations of the world wide web. His projects reorganise and remix previously existing material with new interviews and fieldwork into a new kind of narrative, one that seems analogous to a web browser with 20 tabs open at once. They debunk the utopian ideologies of earlier eras while offering grand, unifying narratives to make sense of our current hyperlinked universe, and succeed to the extent that viewers can keep several complicated arguments in their heads at once. After one emerges from the hypnotic sway of a Curtis film, it can take several days of reflection and research to assess the validity of his arguments.’ 3 May 2010
[tv] Performing Don Draper … On the conundrum that is Don Draper … ‘He cheats on his wife relentlessly, is a workaholic and an absentee father to his children, lies about who he is, abandons his former family (and, arguably, causes his brother to hang himself), is a borderline alcoholic, and is in general awfully prudish, judgmental, and bigoted for a sexually licentious fraud of a man. If this was your OKCupid profile, you would not be attracting Don’s caliber of women. (Or would you?) But we find ways to forgive or excuse him.’
20 April 2010
[funny] Tucker’s Law … be warned: extreme swearing. NSFW. ‘…I’ve got that embroidered on a tea towel at home.’
10 March 2010
[wisdom] Malcolm Tucker on Bloggers: ‘I read all the blogs because I’m an under-employed fat fucking loser with nothing better to do with my time than sit in my bedroom like a fat space hopper in a tracksuit reading inconsequential, un-spellchecked shit, fabricated by other fat fucking losers.’
23 February 2010
[politics] Adam Curtis On How All Of Us Have Become Richard Nixon … ‘Just like him we have all become paranoid weirdos.’ (more…)
19 February 2010
[comics] Paradax: the TV show … according to internet rumours Brendan McCarthy is in Hollywood pitching Paradax as a animated TV Show … ‘Bad Boy Superhero: Smallville meets Entourage’
3 February 2010
[funny] Make Your Own Malcolm Tucker Poster … ‘Eric fucking Bristow’s on the oche throwing a million darts made of human shit right at you.’
23 January 2010
[comics[ Walking Dead gets TV Pilot … ‘[Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard] follow in the footsteps of the master, George Romero, to do something horror often does very well, comment on human nature and society by pushing both to the edge, while also drawing you in to a fascinating, often terrifying tale of survival.’
19 January 2010
[tv] What all this Leno/Conan/Late Night Gubbins is about: a primer for friends in the UK … nice crib sheet from Anna Pickard. ‘…it is not often a curtain gets raised like this, and it has been, for a brief time, a remarkable insight on the workings of it all – and the true bitterness, fear and anger present in all parts of the industry (of most similar industries) right now.’
17 January 2010
[tv] It’s Aways September 13, 1999 Somewhere … huge Metafilter post filled with interesting links on Garry Anderson’s Space 1999 … ‘I had the metal-cast Tonka version of the Eagle, if I remember right: that thing had heft. Forget about the Moon being pushed into another part of the universe, or Martin Landau, or the trippy 1970s graphics: I watched Space: 1999 for the hardware.’
6 January 2010
[wire] 100 Greatest Quotes From The Wire … ‘All the pieces matter.’ (more…)
22 December 2009
[comics] Complete Set of Opening Credits to the Marvel Cartoons of the 1960s with Lyrics … ‘The musical intros to these cartoons have left an undeniable splash on American pop culture. Now, as a case in point, I have a 6 year old nephew and he knows the words to the 1960s cartoon Spider-Man theme song. How is that even possible?’ [via Metafilter]
21 December 2009
[tv] Thomas The Tank Engine Attacked For ‘Conservative Political Ideology’ … ‘In one episode, Thomas whistles impatiently at a police officer and is replaced with a different engine as a punishment for showing dissent.’ [via Graybo]
18 December 2009
[tv] Let’s Enhance Montage … ‘Lock On and enhance the Zee Axis…’ (more…)
30 November 2009
[comics] Go Look: Bill Sienkiewicz art for the 1980’s Dungeons and Dragons cartoon … (more…)
2 November 2009
[tv] Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome … ‘Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome (also SORAS or rapid aging) is the term used to describe the aging of a television character (usually an infant or child, but also sometimes a teenager) that is faster than they should be aging, given the timeline of the show. The process is usually done to allow for more rapid character development, and to allow the writers to develop new storylines for the character.’
21 October 2009
[tv] Adam Curtis Uncovers The Secrets Of Helmand … Adam Curtis interviewed by Andrew Orlowski … ‘Documentaries, and a lot of television now, is possessed by the mantra that people will only watch your film, or listen to your program, if it “touches something in them”. So the reporting has to find something in Afghanistan that’s some terrible thing that has happened “to somebody like you, or just like your child”. It’s done with the best intentions, and a certain kind of desperation to keep an audience. But it makes it more and more incomprehensible. Because it becomes a land full of victims and out there in the darkness, dark forces we don’t understand.’
15 September 2009
[tv] Oh no! They’ve taken my beloved Ceefax … ‘The numbers for my favourite pages – “316” for live football results, “101” for news, “606” for “Now and Next” programme info – are more familiar to me than my bank pin code. And then, of course, there’s the “Mix” button, superimposing Ceefax over whatever dross my wife is watching. Marital compromise at its best. To those who have yet to experience the switchover I say this: cherish the wonder of Ceefax before it is snatched from you.’
27 July 2009
[tv] My Shags As A Whore – Mitchell and Webb on Belle de Jour … ‘Being a prostitute is brilliant.’ (more…)
26 July 2009
[funny] Kemp Folds … Go Look — a blog of folded photos of Ross Kemp.
22 June 2009
[curtis] Charlie Brooker on Adam Curtis’ latest projects …
TV industry! Here’s a little bombshell for you. From now on, all of Curtis’s work will be produced first and foremost for the internet. It will be hosted at bbc.co.uk/adamcurtis (coming soon). Go there to find a trailer for It Felt Like A Kiss. An hour-long cut of the whole thing will be placed on the site on the last day of the Manchester International Festival (MIF). It will also host his next two projects: “A long thing about our complicated relationship to the Congo over the last 100 years and how our idea of nature as a sacred yet terrifying realm has risen up during that same time.” That will be followed by a piece about “the political and cultural ideas that underlie the internet – and the idea that we are all linked in an interconnected web – out of which can come a new form of democracy.”
[tv] Adam Curtis’ Blog … the BBC documentary maker behind The Power of Nightmares and The Way of All Flesh starts blogging … ‘This is a website expressing my personal views – through a selection of opinionated observations and arguments. I’ll be including stories I like, ideas I find fascinating, work in progress and a selection of material from the BBC archives.’
4 June 2009
[funny] Han Solo, P.I. … Star Wars done in the style of Magnum P.I.’s opening credits. [via Waxy]
3 June 2009
[tv] An explanation of the Main Puzzle from the First Episode of the Adventure Game … childhood nostalgia overload :) … ‘Ping-Pong Balls!’ [via more(ish) : meg’s scrapbook]
19 April 2009
[tv] Disturbing Strokes … the opening to Different Strokes set to music from a horror film … ‘This has turned out far more creepy than I thought it would.’
15 April 2009
[funny] Uncomfortable Plot Summaries … from postmodernbarney.com … ‘DAREDEVIL: Blind man pisses off crime boss, gets all his girl-friends killed.’
26 March 2009
[tv] Descriptions of “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” episodes from the DirecTV guide … ‘Sexual re-education poster boy is slain.’
12 February 2009
[tv] The Sopranos, Uncensored … ‘This is every single curse, from every single episode of the sopranos, ever.’
7 February 2009
[apple] Hacking the Apple TV … how-to from the Register … ‘Apple continues to describe its Apple TV set-top box as a “hobby” project: it’ll continue to develop the platform, but it’s not making any money out of it yet. The gadget’s a hobby project for a lot of other folk too. They want to gain access to this closed but surprisingly powerful system to make it more useful. We’ve had an Apple TV unit for a while now, and we decided it was time to dig a little deeper into its foundations…’
5 February 2009
[tv] Adam West: Behind the mask … 2005 profile of the Batman actor …
“Batman was comedy,” West says, “let’s face it. What I loved about Batman was his total lack of awareness when it came to his interaction with the outside world. He actually believed nobody could recognise him on the phone, when he was being Bruce Wayne, even though he made no attempt to disguise his voice.” 5 December 2008
[tv] Watching: YouTube – Ludwig … (more…)
1 December 2008
[tv] Every House Episode Ever … [via Robot Wisdom]
Sidebar: Diction – Doctors are smart. You can show this replacing regular words with Doctor words. 17 October 2008
[tv] In “Stop the Pigeon” – the cartoon with Dick Dastardly and Mutley – what was it that the pigeon was carrying that was so important that it had to be stopped? … ‘I remember from a book I owned as a child that eventually Dick Dastardly got hold of the pigeon’s bag and found it to contain birdseed.’
11 September 2008
[tv] When reality bites, it leaves deep scars … Behind the scenes at the Jeremy Kyle Show …
‘When he does reveal the all-important DNA results, it’s absolute mayhem: ‘Right, here we go… the DNA results…she was 120 per cent sure. He found bruises on her legs, he was only 25 per cent sure. The DNA tests show that Jamie… is the child’s father!’ The crowd is in uproar. Booing, jeering cheering, screaming, whistling, shouting insults. Gemma, points her finger at Jamie and screams, ‘Wanker! Wanker! Wanker!’ And so the baby girl, in years to come, will be able to watch, time and again, the moment the world found out the identity of her daddy.’ 14 August 2008
[comics] Watchmen Movie Poster Comparison … compare the recent movie posters with Dave Gibbon’s original posters for the comic … ‘Who Watches the Watchmen?’
6 August 2008
[gywo] Get Your War On – Animated … nicely done cartoon of the brilliant webcomic … ‘America loves a list…’ [via Fimoculous]
[bdj] Ask a call girl … Salon asks three American High-Class Call Girls: How Realistic is the Belle de Jour TV Series? (compare and contrast with the time the Guardian asked Cynthia Payne the same question) … ‘I guess as an ex-call girl, it’s fun watching the show and seeing what is real and what’s completely off. I think it glamorizes the business a bit. Being a high-class call girl is a cool life if you know what you’re doing, but a very hard life too, which I don’t think they depict well on the show — just how stressful it really is.’ [via Fimoculous]
28 July 2008
[tv] Stanley Kubrick’s Boxes … Jon Ronson’s wonderful documentary about the 1000’s of archival boxes on Kubrick’s estate in Hertfordshire and what they say about the reclusive director.
25 July 2008
[tv] Warren Ellis on Joe 90: ‘I didn’t particularly like this show even as a kid. There was something essentially Wrong about it. Stick a kid with fucked-up eyes in a huge spinning machine with pulsating lights while computers ooze magnetic tape like worms.’
14 July 2008
[comics] Requiem for a Cheeky ‘Batman’ … Script-writer Lorenzo Semple Jr. on the Batman TV Series … [via Forbidden Planet’s Blog]
From the very beginning, Bill Dozier and I had seen millionaire Bruce Wayne and his Bat regalia as classy comedy, hopefully appealing to kids as an absurdly jolly action piece and to grown-ups for its deadpan satire, entirely nonfraught with psychological issues. I mean, golly gee! How else can one view a character who enters a nightclub in full Batgarb and mask, accompanied by a gorgeous chick, and when greeted by the maitre d’ with an obsequious “Good evening, Batman! A table for two?” gravely replies, “Yes, thank you. But please, not too near the music — I wouldn’t want to appear conspicuous.” 8 June 2008
[comics] Neil Gaiman to write an episode of Dr Who? … Rich Johnson: ‘The rumour running around my BBC sources that Neil Gaiman being approached to write a [Dr Who] episode for 2010. That would be this Neil Gaiman, comic author, fantasy novelist, screenwriter, poet and writer of the Duran Duran Biography 1985.’
16 May 2008
[tv] Headmistress to the Nation … Anna Pickard on Margaret Mountford from The Apprentice … ‘As contestant Michael Sophocles celebrated his team’s Singles’ Day greetings cards having won the task – by dint of being the “least worst” product on offer – with whoops, shouts and air-punching, Mountford could not have looked more disgusted had he marched an army of water buffalo into the boardroom and asked them all to fart on cue.’
17 April 2008
[tv] Every Single Sopranos Death … absolute bloody mayhem (contains serious spoilers) … (more…)
9 April 2008
[tv] Dangers of being a TV reporter … compilation of great live TV News bloopers … ‘Yeah, put that on the news!’
5 April 2008
[tv] How to make… Mad Men … amusing list from TV Critic Jim Shelley … ‘2. Light another cigarette and mix yourself a large Manhattan. That’s breakfast done.’
28 March 2008
[funny] YouTube – 24: The Unaired 1994 Pilot … see Young Jack Bauer fight international terrorism with 1994’s technology … ‘Lycos is dry… trying Encarta now.’
11 March 2008
[tv] The Fonz Jumps the Shark … from YouTube – the origin of the phrase Jumping the Shark … ‘The phrase reached the height of its influence in the early 21st century. As it became more widely known, many fans began to consider the phrase over used. In particular, the phrase has become used by some to describe any development which they don’t like on a show. This has caused some viewers to conclude that “jump the shark” has itself jumped the shark.’
28 February 2008
[buffy] The Buffy guide to the Internet – 1997 style — amusing look-back at the portrayal of technology and the internet from an episode of Season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer … ‘Buffy attempts to vanquish the demon by dragging the ‘Willow’ folder to the Trash, but all that happens is a very pixelated full-screen image of Moloch warns her to “Stay away from Willow”. Well, Buffy isn’t going to take instructions from some demonic computer virus, so they immediately try to find her, and expose a much bigger difference between 1997 and today. Buffy physically goes to look for her in the computer lab, and Giles and Xander are left to phone Willow’s house. You remember the days when you used to phone up a building and hope someone was in it, rather than call their mobile, right?’ [via Pete Ashton]