20 May 2000
[tv] The wisdom of Starsky and Hutch… Everything i ever needed to know i learned from Starsky and Hutch: “There’s got to be more to life than just breathing in and breathing out.” [Starsky and Hutch are on weekdays in the UK on Granada Plus at the moment]
17 May 2000
[sport] How Grandstand was cancelled [from newsUnlimited]. “The premier league clubs expect to realise around £2bn from auctioning the various rights packages. By chance £2bn is roughly the BBC reaped in licence fee income last year to fund its two television channels and five radio stations, plus its new digital ventures.”
15 May 2000
[tv] Why do I like Friends so much? I have no idea… anyway… the cast of Friends have signed on for another two years!
10 May 2000
[tv] Clerks [The Cartoon] — it’s times like these I really wished I lived in America….
9 May 2000
[conspiracy?] Has anybody noticed that the Doctor from UFO looks just like the Russian President Vladimir Putin?
29 April 2000
[tv] Channel 4 have a list of the greatest UK TV ads.
27 April 2000
[tv] FilmFour to broadcast banned sex scenes on web. FilmFour will show a doctored version of The Idiots, which caused controversy when it was given a cinema certificate, on its subscription channel. But it will “webcast” the most controversial scenes, uncut, on its website.
24 April 2000
[funny] TVGoHome is pretty much the funniest thing on the web. Even its submissions guidelines are amusing: “We run very few listings whose title is a weak and obvious pun on an existing show: i.e. Changing Wombs, Ainsley’s Big Cock Out, Blind Rape, Scooby Poo, etc etc.”
[quote] “We’re the Sweeney son, and we haven’t had any dinner!”
20 April 2000
[news] Ricky leaves Eastenders… newsUnlimited has the story [Text Only]and so does BBC News [low graphics]. From newsUnlimited: “Ricky stumbled onto our screens in 1988, and fate has pissed mercilessly into his eyes ever since. It’s been nothing but disappointment, heartbreak, humiliation and plodding, battleship-grey drudgery. And while he may not have suffered with dignity – there’s nothing dignified about him – he has at least avoided pulling an “Arthur Fowler” and plunging into full-blown mental unhingery. Until now.”
19 April 2000
[web] DigiGuide is a great web application which allows you to download TV schedules for UK TV programmes and view them off-line.
[film] filmUnlimited interviews Harry Enfield about Kevin & Perry Go Large.
17 April 2000
[south park] nme interviews South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
31 March 2000
[telly] Remember Monkey? It’s being rereleased on video…. The Guardian does a profile of this weird TV Programme from the 80’s. ‘The Nature of Monkey was Irrepressible!’
27 March 2000
Interesting article about Ali G. Apparently he’s the face of Channel 4?
20 March 2000
Ralph Wiggum: “Help! She’s touching my special area!”
18 March 2000
[Telly] Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) retuns on BBC1 tonight. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while…. You can find Trailers here.