22 March 2000
21 March 2000
[Mayor for London] Beardy does not like redheads!
[I seem to be doing a lot of links about hair — Beckham, Dobson and Evans… I wish I could explain why but as always my motivations remain hidden from me. What the hell was I thinking of when I linked to a Ralph Wiggum quote straight after an interesting article about the media during Kosovo?]
[I seem to be doing a lot of links about hair — Beckham, Dobson and Evans… I wish I could explain why but as always my motivations remain hidden from me. What the hell was I thinking of when I linked to a Ralph Wiggum quote straight after an interesting article about the media during Kosovo?]
20 March 2000
[Mayor for London] NewsUnlimited reports that Chris Evans is giving £100,000 to Ken’s campaign.
18 March 2000
[Major for London] More dirty tricks? Ken strikes back… check out this link. [via Haddock]
17 March 2000
[Mayor for London] The gloves start to come off in the race to become London’s mayor as the first signs of dirty tricks appear…
16 March 2000
15 March 2000
The Guardian shines a spotlight on Alastair Campbell — Tony Blair’s press secretary. He does not seem to know very much about the Human Genome Project. I am not impressed.
[Mayor for London] Ken Livingstone broke Common’s rules on registered interests — apparently about 150, 000 squids worth of outside interests. What next? Stories on Ken’s flirtations with underage girls, drugs and sweets? Dobbo and the Rent Boys on Hampstead Heath?
13 March 2000
[Mayor for London] BBC News supplies a fascinating political analysis on beards in the British Government. Why no picture of Dobson without the beard? I’ve not seen one on the web anywhere… weird.
[Mayor for London] “Hoi! Lose the hair Beardy!” The Observer reports that the aides have told Frank Dobson to lose the beard or lose the election. Someone should report that bullshitting mirthmakers are running the Dobson campaign!
9 March 2000
According to the Guardian Labour MPs love Harry Potter books.
7 March 2000
Websites for the major candidates for London major: Steve Norris, Frank Dobson, Ken Livingstone, Susan Kramer. The Official Major for London website.
Pictures from the race for London Mayor.
From the Guardian: Ken Livingstone tears up the rule book. Simon Hoggart on the “Stuff Blair Campaign“.
6 March 2000
BBC News reports that Ken Livingstone will run for Mayor.