5 February 2025
[lifehacks] The Most Powerful Life Hacks I’ve Found … I always seem to find something useful in these posts with lists of life hacks. Maybe you will too. ‘Be reliable. You can get pretty damn far in life by just being someone that people can count on to show up and do the work. Reliability is one of the most underrated traits. In the short run, it is much harder to be exceptional than it is to be reliable, and in the long run, being consistently reliable makes you exceptional.’
1 December 2024
[lifehacks] Sort out your life! 100 tiny tricks to help with everything from digital overwhelm to lumpy sugar and unpaid bills‘Carry ‘vex money’ – Always carry enough cash to get you out of danger or trouble if other methods fail – a taxi fare at least.’
24 January 2022
[lifehacks] 100 Tips for a Better Life … I usually find something helpful in these posts with lists of life hacks. ’23. (~This is not medical advice~). Don’t waste money on multivitamins, they don’t work. Vitamin D supplementation does seem to work, which is important because deficiency is common.’
29 July 2021
[metafilter] What are some impeccably designed, everyday, simple objects? … I always find something interesting in these lists – and TIL that the British plug is a design classic.
20 July 2021
[lifehacks] The Simple Genius of Checklists, from B-17 to the Apollo Missions‘Checklists proliferated to every corner of habitable environment of Apollo 11 and became what astronaut Michael Collins called the spacecraft’s “fourth crew member” – and, for all intents and purposes, its real commander. Checklists even covered their spacesuits, for example, the left gloves of Armstrong and Aldrin.’
12 July 2021
[lifehacks] What tiny purchases have disproportionately improved your life? | Ask MetaFilter‘Good rechargeable batteries and a good charger for them are a fantastic investment in removing obnoxiousness from one’s life, especially now that nobody wants to run to the store for just one thing. Eneloop is the battery brand I settled on, with a Panasonic BQ-CC55 charger because someone who sounded like they knew what they were talking about said it was their favorite.’
4 May 2018
[lifehacks] The Littlest Lifehack … small life improving hacks from Ask Metafilter. ‘You don’t actually need to peel your kiwis at all.’
17 May 2013
[lifehacks] 99 Life Hacks to make your life easier! … a large collection of image macros demonstrating life hacks.
15 February 2013
[email] Inbox Zero for Life … a straightforward approach to the Inbox Zero lifehack using Gmail … ‘Triage. Your one and only goal for processing your inbox is to make it empty. Not to actually do anything productive, because processing email is inherently anti-productive. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re doing work here. Just get it over with as quickly as possible.’
3 February 2011
[tech] How to disable Building Font Cache Dialog of VLC Player … great tip to stop a very annoying feature of VLC.
28 December 2010
[tech] How I Filled Two Dumpsters And Went Paperless With The Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500‘Organizing, scanning, and shredding all this paper took me the better part of three weekends over the course of this year, but I think it was worth it. In this post, I’ll cover some of my reasoning, methods, and tools that I used through this process. I should also note that my paperless efforts don’t just stop at recordkeeping; I’ve gotten rid of more than 95% of my books over the last year, replacing the ones I really like with digital versions on my Kindle. My paper books now all fit on one small shelf in my office.’
17 December 2010
[tip] How to Narrow Down Exact Duplicated Music Files in iTunes‘To see all Exact Duplicates in iTunes, Click File from the iTunes menu and then hold down the Option key. Display Duplicates should now change to Display Exact Duplicates, which should result in a shorter list of duplicates.’
1 September 2010
[lifehacks] What Should I Do to My Work Laptop Before I Leave My Job?‘How can I get my laptop sparkling clean so I can preserve my privacy and avoid runing afoul of IT or any corporate policies?’
8 February 2010
[lifehacks] 43 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life‘7. Makebelieve girlfriend chair’
24 September 2009
[funny] Go Look: The Ultimate Productivity Blog
10 September 2008
[google] Useful Lifehack: Use Multiple Google Accounts Simultaneously in Google Chrome … This tip is also useful if you have multiple accounts on other services such as Delicious or eBay‘When you open a window in incognito mode (Ctrl+Shift+N), your cookies from the standard session are no longer available and you can easily log in to a new Google account.’
28 February 2008
[windows] Find As You Type for Internet Explorer — great little utility that adds Firefox’s powerful and simple way of finding text in a web document to Microsoft’s web browser.
14 August 2007
[lifehacks] Jerry Seinfeld’s productivity secret — Lifehacker on Seinfeldian Chains‘He told me to get a big wall calendar that has a whole year on one page and hang it on a prominent wall. The next step was to get a big red magic marker. He said for each day that I do my task of writing, I get to put a big red X over that day. “After a few days you’ll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job next is to not break the chain.” “Don’t break the chain.” He said again for emphasis.’
28 July 2007
[lifehacks] Top 10 Clipboard Tricks — some useful tips from Lifehacker … ‘One of the greatest features the point and click interface brought to personal computers is the clipboard – that invisible, temporary shelf you use more times per day than Google. If you think the clipboard is only about Ctrl+C, you’re missing out…’
24 March 2007
[lifehacks] Make Microsoft Word less annoying — useful tips from Lifehacker‘Microsoft Word can drive you nuts. It piles on features few people need, plagues you with annoying auto-corrections and just generally acts like a pain in the ass. No more. It’s time to take back the word processor…’
22 February 2007
[email] Email Addicts Offered 12-step Detox‘Marsha Egan, who claims email “abuse” can cost US business millions in lost productivity, cites the chilling cases of “a golfer who checked his BlackBerry after every shot” and a client who “cannot walk by a computer – her own or anyone else’s – without checking for messages”.’
16 February 2007
[web] Geek to Live: Create your master feed with Yahoo! Pipes — interesting idea for Yahoo! Pipes from Lifehacker‘As a prolific netizen, you generate lots of web-based feeds: your Flickr photos, your bookmarks, your weblog posts and your Lifehacker comments, to name a few. Instead of going here there and everywhere to see all the content you create on the web, combine it all into one master feed using with the newly-launched Yahoo! Pipes…’
12 February 2007
[funny] Ze Frank on Procrastination‘You might experience a whole career to put off building meaningful relationships and finding an inner sense of self worth.’
4 February 2007
[web] Senduit — another one of those useful websites that allow you share large files for short periods of time. [via Lifehacker]
16 January 2007
[lifehacks] 5 Ideas for Stressful Living‘I’ve compiled a short list of ideas for those who wish to add a dash of stress into their lives – all fairly easy to implement, not to mention widely encouraged by society at large and often easily observed in the behavior of those around you…’ [via Lifehacker]
21 December 2006
[media] VLC Version 0.8.6 — New release of the swiss-army knife of Media Players – it will play anything.
9 November 2006
[firefox] Paste and Go — useful time saving Firefox extension which allows you to paste a URL into the address bar of Firefox and then immediately to that website without clicking the Go Button or pressing return.
20 September 2006
[email] Why email is addictive (and what to do about it) — interesting article about dealing with compulsive email checking … ‘Checking email is a behaviour that has variable interval reinforcement. Sometimes, but not everytime, the behaviour produces a reward. Everyone loves to get an email from a friend, or some good news, or even an amusing web link. Sometimes checking your email will get you one of these rewards. And because you can never tell which time you check will produce the reward, checking all the time is reinforced, even if most of the time checking your email turns out to have been pointless. You still check because you never know when the reward will come.’ [via Yoz]
17 June 2006
[gtd] 43 Folders Podcasts — an archive of Merlin Mann’s audio accompaniments to the the 43 Folders website.
15 June 2006
[gtd] The Perfect Apostrophe — amusing podcast where Merlin Mann discusses his procrastination whilst abortively attempting to write an O’Reilly Life Hacks book.
30 April 2006
[web] — a useful internet clipboard. I’ve found it great for quickly moving bits of text and small files between two computers especially if they are on different networks or there is a firewall in the way.
20 October 2005
[wisdom] Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies in Flash‘Move towards the unimportant.’
6 September 2005
[web] Dropload — useful website I use regularly to drop large files for collection by others avoiding delivery by email.