13 December 2006
[rumours] The 40 Best Celebrity Rumors Ever … On Richard Gere and Gerbils: ‘…none of Gere’s interviewers have had the guts to go there, or maybe there’s some kind of publicist-issued fatwa, but Gere has never publicly addressed the rumor. Would you?’
4 December 2006
[tv] Charlie Brooker: When it comes to Psychics, my Stance is Hardcore: they must Die Alone in Windowless Cells.
2 December 2006
[life] ‘Our two poos have combined…’ — Jon Ronson reporting from the toilets on a RyanAir Flight. ‘…here in the toilet, I have an epiphany. “If there’s someone waiting outside,” I think, “I’m going to hold the door open for them!” I nod to myself and open the door. There’s a man standing there. “Here you are!” I say cheerfully. Together, we glance at the space I’m welcoming him into – a tiny, brown, disgusting cubicle. He furrows his brow, slightly taken aback, and enters. I cram myself back in my seat. “That was a nice and well-balanced thing for me to do,” I think.’ [Related: Out Of The Ordinary: True Tales Of Everyday Craziness on Amazon]
1 December 2006
[games] Asteroids Revenge – amusing Flash sequel to the classic Atari Asteroids computer game. [via Waxy’s Links]
14 November 2006
[thisisgood] David Blaine Street Magic Spoof — NSFW, it’s loud with much swearing but laugh-out-loud funny. [via Metafilter]
5 November 2006
[comics] ‘The Ways of Women are a MYSTERY to me!’ — a panel from Avengers #35 spotted on scans_daily

amusing panel from an old avengers comic

31 October 2006
[comics] Love that Dracula — what Jack Chick’s comics would be like if he had a massive nervous breakdown. The original: The Devil’s Night

jack chick / dracula mashup cartoon

30 October 2006
[film] Good Day, Mr. Kubrick! — in 1984 Stanley Kubrick placed an advert in Variety asking for audition tapes from unknown actors for his next film Full Metal Jacket – Brian Atene’s amazing tape has been posted to YouTube along with an update from the actor in 2006. Go watch, you won’t regret it… ‘D’You Wanna Know Somethin’!? I Scared. I Scared.’ (more…)
17 October 2006
[doom] Supposing … We invent some decoy doomsday scenarios — more from Charlie Brooker‘Terrorist extremists? Yeah, they’re frightening – but what about those North Korean nukes? Or global warming, come to think of it? I need a personal bloody organiser to sort it out – a gizmo that’ll set me a “timetable of concern” just so I can break down my overall sense of creeping dread into manageable, bite-sized flurries of panic. Otherwise, I’m in danger of forgetting to worry about some things – like bird flu, for instance. I haven’t seriously crapped myself about that since, ooh, February? Whenever it was, a top-up’s long overdue.’
7 October 2006
[comedy] Let’s Play Numberwang!‘Numberwang accepts no responsibility for any loss of personal items, injury or sudden death.’ [via Diamond Geezer]
25 September 2006
[comics] Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. — incredibly, this is a real shop in NYC which is a front for a Children’s Writing Center‘We can help with your Nemesis Problem.’
17 September 2006
[funny] YouTube: The Mother of All Movie Trailers‘In a world where DEATH can make you DEAD…’ (more…)
14 September 2006
[wikipedia] The Stormtrooper Effect‘The name originated with the armed Imperial Stormtroopers in the original Star Wars trilogy, who, despite their considerable advantages of close range, overwhelming numbers, professional military training, full armor, military-grade firepower, and noticeable combat effectiveness against non-speaking characters, were incapable of seriously harming the protagonists.’
4 September 2006
[comics] Random Batman Facts: ‘Q: Pirates vs. ninjas? A: Batman.’
1 September 2006
[tv] E4 Sopranos Ad on YouTube — a nicely done parody of the opening credits of the Sopranos. [via Tom]
20 August 2006
[funny] MP3 of a Psychiatric Office Answering Machine‘If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred to the mother ship. If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you which number to press. If you are a manic-depressive, it doesn’t matter which number you press because nobody will answer.’
17 August 2006
[watch] Zefrank on the ten stages of the Illness Communication Exaggeration Curve.
[ba] Breaking News: BA Has Halted All Flights From The UK. [via]
15 August 2006
[music] Brian Jones vs. Indiana Jones‘Indiana Jones fought a scimitar with a whip. Brian Jones crushed butterfly on a wheel’
14 August 2006
[comics] Keep On Truckin’ — from the Perry Bible Fellowship.
10 August 2006
[weird] The Chosen Ones — Jon Ronson meets Indigo Children who apparently are “super-evolved, psychic beings” … ‘I’m curious to know more about the Indigo children – this apparently vast, underground movement. Although Indigos say they communicate telepathically, they also communicate via internet forums, such as Indigos Unplugged…’ [via As Above]
[ronson] Hello Jon Ronson. Yes, the bloggers are watching you… Just be thankful we are not the Secret Rulers of the World.

evidence of jon ronson's ego-surfing

My advice to you is relax, and perhaps don’t ego-surf so dilligently. I only posted that link to the Chosen Ones two hours ago… Shouldn’t you be working?
[vids] How to Undress in Seven Seconds — this isn’t a lifehack I’d try at home … [via Sore Eyes]
9 August 2006
[xmas] Only 138 Shopping Days to Go — Harrods opened it’s Christmas Department yesterday… ‘Christmas World was packed, with an ominous background tinkle of shoppers edging past racks of glass baubles. The fairylights were eclipsed by the barrage of camera flashes as tourists immortalised themselves in T-shirts and shorts standing in a glade of £119 slimline artificial trees. “It’s so English,” a Chinese woman said fondly, admiring a £14.95 glass Eiffel Tower tree decoration – made in China.’ (more…)
8 August 2006
[comics] 1963 Comics Ads — amusing spoof Comics Ads written by Alan Moore.
6 August 2006
[soundboard] Curb Your Enthusiasm Soundboard: ‘I might be losing a testicle.’
4 August 2006
[religion] Hatemail to the Flying Spagetti Monster‘PASTAFARIAN?!? that doesn’t even make sense!! why the hell would god be PASTA?!?’ [via]
2 August 2006
[lists] Merlin Mann’s 5ives — amusing lists of five things …

Five suggested Flickr tags
  1. “Rows Of Seated White Men Typing At Conferences”
  2. “My Underlit Dessert With One Bite Missing”
  3. “My Defenseless Child In A Funny Shirt I Made Him Wear”
  4. “Attractive Man In His Twenties Playing An Electric Guitar”
  5. “The Photo From This ‘Impromptu’ Self Portrait Series That Suggests I Don’t Have A Dewlap”

22 July 2006
[food] Pepto-Bismol Ice Cream — Blogjam creates a unique hangover cure … ‘I revisit the Pepto-Bismol website, where are glance at the FAQ section reveals a previously unheralded paragraph: “Some people feel refrigerating makes the dose more pleasing to take, and that’s OK. However, you shouldn’t freeze the product.” Whoa! Waddya mean no freezing? I’ve just made ice-cream!’
21 July 2006
[funny] A New Pope — a great viral video from Adam Buxton‘Coverage Of A Sci-Fi Ceremony In A Galaxy Far, Far Away…’ [via jwz]
26 June 2006
[blog] What Everybody should know about Blog Depression — a public service pamphlet for bloggers …

panels from a larry gonick comic about lumps and chaotic mixing...

31 May 2006
[oil] Rob Newman’s History of Oil — 45 minutes long but well worth it … ‘Rob Newman gets to grips with the wars and politics of the last hundred years – but rather than adhering to the history we were fed at school, he places oil centre stage.’ (Also mentions Peak Oil and gaylord tennis).
24 May 2006
[empire] Ben Hammersley: ‘Rome did not create a great Empire by organising committees and holding meetings…’
21 May 2006
[comics] Out-of-Context One Panel Theatre‘You’ve got to earn my ring, boy.’ [from scans_daily]
5 May 2006
[lists] Borges’ List of Animals‘1. those that belong to the Emperor’ [via 43 Folders]
26 April 2006
[flash] Daily Mail Picnic — flash fun … ‘Everybody who’s on the web is certain to be a crook… And you’ll turn into a paedophile if ever you take a look…’
21 April 2006
[it] Supposing… Computers are deliberately wasting our time — by Charlie Brooker. ‘…the endless stream of finickity little tasks a computer will set you without warning. The tiny hoops you have to jump through before it gives you what you want. Install this driver. Now update it. Now update it again. Register to login to our website. Then validate your membership. Forgot your password? Click here. Now there. Fill out this form. And this one. And this one. Please wait while TimeJettison Pro examines your system. Download latest patch file. Please wait while patch file examines own navel. Remove cable. Insert cable. Gently tease USB port with cable. Yeah, that’s it baby. That’s the way. Now show us your bum or I’m deleting your inbox.’
9 April 2006
[tv] Rik Mayall – This Much I know

‘After my quad-bike accident I was dead for five days. Jesus was only dead for three, so I beat him – 17 April 1998 was the day I was sent back from heaven. I remember waking up from the coma and there were four nurses wrestling with me, ramming a thingy up my knob. That’s quite a good memory, actually.’

2 April 2006
[funny] Flickr: An Overdue Outlook Reminder.
25 March 2006
[advertising] Teachers bemoan curse of the ‘Lynx effect’‘Dozens of teachers have complained to the Times Educational Supplement online staffroom about the menace of the “Lynx effect” – teenage armpits doused in the stuff. Messages indicate that although the Lynx habit often starts in primary school, 13-year-olds are the worst culprits. The potent aroma even drives some staff to open windows when pupils return from PE, because they find it hard to breathe.’
[politics] Nutkin and the Nobles — Simon Hoggart visits the House of Lords as they discuss Squirrels‘Lord Redesdale was one of the few peers to have even one kindly word for the “predatory” [grey squirrel]. They were friendly little animals, he said, and would eat crisps out of your hand. In Regent’s Park, “a grey squirrel climbed up my trouser leg to look into my pocket”. I can remember when politicians of all parties used to pay guardsmen a shiny half-crown to perform that service. Now, in these more censorious days, they’re reduced to furry rodents.’
22 March 2006
[firefox] Firefox ‘Causes’ Relationship Breakup‘She installed Firefox for herself, and happened to need to edit the list of sites to never save passwords for. She quickly realized that he had been visiting dating sites in secret, and was also able to determine that he was still an active member of some of the sites. As one might expect, this led to a breakup. Should the Firefox uninstaller offer to delete profile data…?’
21 March 2006
[soundboard] IT Crowd Soundboard: ‘Computers Broken.’
17 March 2006
[funny] Must Love Jaws — what if Sheriff Brody learned to love Jaws?… ‘Love comes to the surface.’ [via BeaucoupKevin]
15 March 2006
[web] Google in 20 Years Time‘On top of the fridge, right where you left them…’ [via Sore Eyes]
13 March 2006
[tv] The Bunglebrot Set … stare into infinity with the face of Bungle from Rainbow. [via Qwghlm]
10 March 2006
[cats] From Dave’s Long Box: The Most Bad-Ass Cat Ever.
7 March 2006
[science] Operation Manky Garden — I’m not going to explain this link. Just go read… ‘This is a genuine scientific experiment in botany, biology and, of course, scatology; and the more participants the better. Just don’t let your significant other catch you crapping in the garden without a reasonable excuse. “Some chap on the internet told me to” is not a reasonable excuse. I know.’
6 March 2006
[comics] The Random Chick Tract Generator — Is it just me or do Random Jack Chick Comics make more sense than real ones? [via Progressive Ruin]
22 February 2006
[comics] Scans_Daily: A Spoof of Frank Miller’s Holy Terror, Batman!