30 March 2000
[quote] “What’ll it be next? Choice extracts from the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations? Trotting out the Nietzsche and the Shelley to dignify some old costumed claptrap? Probably. Sometimes you wonder, in an interconnected universe, who’s dreaming who?”Grant Morrison (1989)
28 March 2000
[Comics] Interview with Grant Morrison in ifuse. Nice review of Morrison’s Kissing Mr Quimper in The Independent. [via The Invisibles Mailing List]
19 March 2000
[Comics] I am a reformed X-Men fan. I have not picked up a copy of this comic since the early ’90’s and my peak X-Men reading year was probably 1988-89. That was until last week… when I picked up an issue of Generation-X scripted by Warren Ellis. Here’s a trailer for the X-Men film which comes out this summer. I don’t want to be a born again X-Fan. I’m nearly thirty…. I’m too old for this shit….
18 March 2000
[Comics] New “Come In Alone” column by Warren Ellis in CBR. “Comics are plain, conservative, old-looking objects. And this sacred bloody ugliness bores into the brains of people immersed in the culture too long, until they see nothing wrong with it.”
15 March 2000
Has anybody ever seen Rasputin and Alan Moore in the same room? Inquiring minds want to know…
11 March 2000
[quote] “I really do think that the battlelines have been drawn. I want to see comics as a pop medium, I want to see the Forbidden Planet empire reaching out to every city in the world like McDonald’s. I want to see comic creators and retailers in Vogue and on telly, but ranged against that brilliant global vision are the cornershop bankers who just want to sneak home with their brown paper bags and their Betty Page video’s and who’re just desperate to keep comics at the level of stamp collecting and train-spotting because they can’t face up to the glare of the real world. Which side will you be on? — its as simple as that.”Grant Morrison (1992)
6 March 2000
Warren Ellis writes some of my favourite comics at the moment. His website has just got a redesign.