30 August 2006
[blogs] Radio 4’s Meet the Bloggers — the BBC does a radio show about blogs. The first programme had interviews with Anna and Annie of Little Read Boat and London Underground Tube Diary.
30 August 2006
[blogs] Radio 4’s Meet the Bloggers — the BBC does a radio show about blogs. The first programme had interviews with Anna and Annie of Little Read Boat and London Underground Tube Diary.
24 August 2006
[blogs] Blogger is 7 … Ev: ‘It seemed like a good idea at the time.’
21 August 2006
[blog] Indexed — amusing graphs and diagrams which tap the same vein as Gapingvoid’s cartoons on the back of business cards …
16 August 2006
[blogs] True to Type — the Guardian reviews a number of Edinburgh Fringe shows which adapt blogs into theatre productions … ‘It’s [the] interactive aspect of blogging that needs to be addressed if theatrical adaptations are truly to take off. For now, it looks naive and fairly opportunistic in its approach. Yes, people are turning to the internet to make their confessions – but that doesn’t necessarily mean their words make riveting theatre. Blog-based theatre is a bit like flat-packed furniture: even once you’ve put it up, you still associate it with the box it arrived in.’
15 August 2006
[tv] Jon Ronson is blogging at Amazon.com and the Guardian’s Comment is Free … ‘It is a Friday in December. I have now been dressed as Santa for five hours. The heating in our house in on full-blast. The costume was itchy when I put it on all those hours ago. Now I feel as if I am covered in ants. “I need to take the beard off,” I say. “No!” yells Joel, my four-year-old son. “I’m getting a rash,” I say. “Please stay with me, Santa,” says Joel.’
14 August 2006
[blogger] The New Blogger — Google are prepping a new version of Blogger.com.
12 August 2006
[ukblogs] Greenslade — Roy Greenslade is keeping a nicely done blog about the British Press and Journalism.
11 August 2006
[ukblogs] YouTube: Tom Reynolds, of Random Acts of Reality on ITV’s London News.
9 August 2006
[ukblogs] Jeffrey Archer’s Official Blog … ‘I read in another newspaper that I’m converting to Roman Catholicism. One phone call, and they would have discovered that it hadn’t even crossed my mind.’ [thanks Phil]
8 August 2006
[comics] Thrill Power Overload — David Bishop an ex-editor of 2000AD is writing a history of the comic and blogging his progress … On Censorship: ‘Even the most innocuous phrases could cause problems. Both [Alan] Grant and [Steve] MacManus recall a sound effect in Robo-Hunter being censored. Barry Tomlinson had taken over from Bob Bartholomewews the managing editor responsible for passing each issue of 2000 AD as fit for publication. ‘The original speech balloon on Prog 278 had Kidd saying, “Do something, Slade! I’m gonna pop!”,’ MacManus recalls. ‘Tomlinson said you can’t have the word pop on the cover, it means fart.” [via Pete’s Linklog]
[ukblogs] Casino Avenue: ‘As for Anna Mikhailova? She’ll still be bumping along on the Sunday Times, and being asked why every time her name’s entered into Google, it returns a list of pages slagging her off. Add that to your CV, eh?’
7 August 2006
[books] Support Abby: Buy Girl With A One Track Mind on Amazon Here.
[blogs] Belle de Jour on staying Anonymous — some good, common sense advice for anonymous best-selling bloggers … ‘Trust no one.’
4 August 2006
[ukblogs] Blogs in focus at Festival Fringe … ‘Blogs are taking centre stage at this year’s Festival Fringe in Edinburgh, with three different productions tapping into the world of online writers. One of them, Bloggers: Real Internet Diaries, is based entirely on British blogs.’
24 July 2006
[property] Apartment for Sale, Manchester — an attempt to sell a flat using the blog format … ‘Looking for a stylish, contemporary apartment in Manchester City Centre? Interested in cutting out the middleman and going for a quick, private sale? You’re in the right place then!’ [via Feeling Listless]
[apple] The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, Aged 51 1/2 … ‘Dude, I invented the friggin iPod, okay? Have you heard of it?’ [thanks Phil]
15 July 2006
[blogs] Why doesn’t Google invest anything in Blogger? — interesting post on Google’s lack of interest in updating Blogger … ‘Have they essentially decided to allow Blogger to atrophy and die? Are there no, actual, people at Google who really get (or have ideas for) blogging?’
13 July 2006
[blogs] Meg on blogging and flying ants: ‘I’ve found the real point of blogging, the only real reason for keeping and maintaining a blog regularly over all these years. And you know what it is? The point of blogging is so I can keep tabs on when the flying ants come out in London every summer.’
7 July 2006
[7/7] Diamond Geezer on 7/7 … Aldgate, Edgware Road, King’s Cross St Pancras, 30. ‘…it’s just something I have to do every day. It’s just another train. It’s just another carriage.’
4 July 2006
[7/7] The Mysterious Case Of The Non-Existent Train Time — a blog investigating the messy loose-ends in the story behind the London Bombings on July 7th last year … ‘I have only one reason for starting this blog. It is to ascertain the facts behind the events in London on and since the 7th July 2005. I have made many attempts to ascertain a few simple facts (and therefore truths) about the events on that morning…’
3 July 2006
[shop] Forbidden Planet’s Blog … the famous comic shop gets a blog.
27 June 2006
[comics] Metafilter on Lost Girls … ‘So is this really a viable business model? Take a children’s classic, toss in some pornography, generate some canned controversy and then PROFIT!? I’ll be watching closely to see how much Moore rakes in on this. If this works then I can finally start shopping around my The Secret Life of Tiggers.’
26 June 2006
21 June 2006
[tv] Scaryduck on Ben Elton: ‘I’m a pretty confident chap. So confident, in fact, that I am willing to lay a wager. And it is this: “I bet you ANY MONEY that at some stage before the next UK General Election, Ben Elton will stand up and declare his allegiance to David Cameron and the Conservative party.” I tell you, it’s going to happen…’
16 June 2006
[comics] D’Blog of ‘Israeli — the blog of comic artist D’Israeli … ‘Want to know what being a comic artist is about? Packing, that’s what. I always start out with the intention of making some great new thing that’ll redefine the medium, but in the end, it’s always comes down to packing, cramming it all in.’ [via Pete’s Linklog]
10 June 2006
[fruit] Innocent Drinks Blog — a blog from the popular Smoothies Company … ‘We need somewhere to share our thoughts and to give other people a chance to comment on what we’re doing. We need somewhere to post our pictures and tell our stories. We need somewhere to let off steam. We hear that there are these amazing things called blogs that help you do all of this.’
[comics] The Diary Of Ralph Dibny … the weblog of the superhero formerly known as Elongated Man … ‘It’s been a couple of weeks since the unpleasantness with the alternate earths and the killing and the shouting and all and my therapist thinks I should start keeping a journal of my inner thoughts and feelings. Well screw you Dr Willis. If you were any kind of therapist I wouldn’t respond to a serious global emergency by sticking a goddamned gun in my mouth. I blame you for the last three suicide attempts, you quack.’
6 June 2006
[comics] New Comics Blog: Blog@Newsarama.
24 May 2006
[spy] Tomlinson v MI6 — the blog of a former MI6 agent who has a long running dispute with the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service. ‘…readership has gone ballistic to the extent that I may run out of bandwidth this month. So suddenly, my long-standing dispute with MI6 is back in the public domain. Well MI6 have only themselves to blame for the creation of this blog…’ [via PeterCooper.co.uk]
15 May 2006
[comics] 52 Pickup — a blog looking at DC’s new weekly comic series 52 (which is partially written by Grant Morrison). ‘Ralph Dibny believes himself to be hopelessly imperfect; he couldn’t save his wife, he couldn’t do much in the crisis, he’s a relic of the Silver Age, etc. Hence his near-suicide attempt. But he is a detective, after all, like Batman — and, actually, like Montoya. And what detectives thrive on is mysteries…’
24 April 2006
[ukblogs] Park and Write — BBC News article about a blog called Wandering Scribe by a homeless woman living in her car in London … ‘A woman becomes homeless, so she gets into her car and drives. Except she has nowhere to go – so she stays in the car, with all her possessions heaped in the back, sleeping in the front seats, parking in secluded streets. For eight months, no one notices her, because she makes sure she looks respectable, taking showers and even ironing her clothes in public places like hospitals. She has made herself invisible, out of touch from anyone she used to know – and keeping separate from other homeless people. But this is the information age…’
15 April 2006
[film] Snakes on a Blog — a blog for the movie Snakes on a Plane … ‘I want these motherfucking snakes off the motherfucking plane!’
13 April 2006
[blog] Minor Tweaks: The Seven-Day Emotional Forecast … ‘Saturday: Disappointment mixed with apathy. Sunday: Mostly okay.’ [via Cheesedip]
5 April 2006
[comics] Swamp Thing’s Blog … ‘I waited around all day for the golf game today, but no one showed up at the deserted plantation where we played our last game. When I got back to the swamp, I found a note from Abby saying the game had been called off until next weekend.’ [via Progressive Ruin]
4 April 2006
[ukblogs] While I’m thinking about anonymous bloggers: Belle de Jour is updating again and Girl With a One Track Mind got a book deal.
3 April 2006
[property] Agents Diary — the blog of an anonymous Estate Agent somewhere in the UK … ‘A dreadful day today, I realised at three-thirty that I hadn’t left my desk, apart from one brief trip to the kitchen for a cuppa and two pisses. If I could get one of those colostomy bags and coerce one of those idle bastards to actually make me the occasional tea I could sit here permanently.’
29 March 2006
[comics] The Dave’s Long Box 1st Anniversary Spectacular! — Dave rounds up some classic posts from Year One of one of the best comic blogs around. … ‘A look at the phenomenon of Power Girl’s breasts pulled in a lot of hits, and to this day is probably my most frequently visited post. I attribute its popularity more to masturbating geeks on Google than to quality writing – as of now I am the #1 search result on Google for “power girl boobs.” I can live with that.’
14 March 2006
[blogs] Comment is Free — major new blog launch from the Guardian – it has the day’s If cartoon from Steve Bell at the bottom of the page! (Any chance of an official Steve Bell RSS Feed?) … ‘Welcome to Comment is free, the first collective comment blog by a British newspaper website. It will incorporate all the regular Guardian and Observer main commentators, many blogging for the first time, who will be joined by a host of outside contributors – politicians, academics, writers, scientists, activists and of course existing bloggers to debate, argue and occasionally agree on the issues of the day.’
13 March 2006
[blogs] 18 Ways for Blogger to Beef Up … ‘The dearth of tagging and categories has become to Google’s Blogger what the lack of commenting was to Pyra’s Blogger — a monument to antiquity!’ [via Robot Wisdom]
9 March 2006
[tv] Deal or No Deal Fanatics — weblog covering Noel Edmunds popular new gameshow on Channel 4 … ‘Over weeks of watching DOND it has become clear to me that those who attach emotions and dreams to the success of their play, seem to fair less well compared to those who can remain detached and unemotional. This reminded me of a couple of texts I read many years ago, one by Sun Wu, the other by Shinmen Musashi…’ [via Feeling Listless]
8 March 2006
[blogs] Blogging book competition hots up — shortlist for Blogger Book Prize includes Belle de Jour and eggbaconchipsandbeans … Russell Davies: ‘”I was looking for something to blog about that was not a picture of a cat,” Mr Davies told the BBC News website, explaining his choice of subject matter. “I’m drawn to a full English,” he said, referring to the colloquial term for a fried breakfast.’
3 March 2006
[ukblogs] On The Power Of Blankets — Tom Reynolds on why a blanket is like a E.M.T’s towel … ‘Doing CPR on the floor for an extended period of time can be wearing on your knees – a folded blanket makes a nice cushion to rest on while pounding away on some dead person’s chest.’
27 February 2006
[music] MC Hammer Blog — and it looks authentic! … ‘My professional Hip Hop journey began in 1986….’ [thanks Greg]
24 February 2006
[blogs] Malcolm Gladwell’s Blog … ‘In the past year I have often been asked why I don’t have a blog. My answer was always that I write so much, already, that I don’t have time to write anything else. But, as should be obvious, I’ve now changed my mind.’ [via Metafilter]
23 February 2006
[comics] Batman Kicks al Qaeda’s Ass — Metafilter discuss Miller’s Holy Terror … ‘If Batman turned his attention to anything outside of punching Gotham crooks in the nuts, said problem would be resolved toot-sweet, certainly in less than 200 pages. Unless, of course, he punches each and every member of al Qaeda in the nuts, which would easily fill 500+ pages of nut-punching glory. Batman’s insane and a perfectionist, so that could happen…’
21 February 2006
20 January 2006
[blogs] This Blog Will Change Your Life — what happens if you spend a year following the instructions in This Book Will Change Your Life … ‘A day of compliments. Flatter someone today and see if it does indeed get you anywhere. “Gee, that sure is a splendid mustache comb.”‘
13 January 2006
[media] From Mail Watch – vote for your favourite Daily Mail or Daily Express Headline of 2005 … ‘Death by Suntan’ [via plasticbag.org]
11 January 2006
[comics] I Heart Pixels — the sketchblog of R Stevens of Diesel Sweeties Fame. [via The Daily Chump]