4 December 2000
[weblog] Great archive of links about articles on weblogs [via Under.Construction]
4 December 2000
[weblog] Great archive of links about articles on weblogs [via Under.Construction]
3 December 2000
[weblogs] Meg’s Under.Construction has got off to a good start with a number of interesting posts… ‘Welcome to under.construction. This weblog is intended as a forum for discussion of cyberculture, community, communication and other cultural facets of cyberspace. It’s also intended to be a repository for interesting stories and links – an evolving, collaborative bookmark list.’
27 November 2000
[weblogs] Tom starts his redesign of Barbelith… ‘Over the next couple of weeks, you can expect several weblog-style columns provided by regular contributors to the Barbelith Underground concentrating on interfering in things that don’t concern us, spouting ludicrous ideas that no one believes in and working for the transformation of the world into a place where there is passion, magic, energy and change.’
19 November 2000
[first post] New first post… not.so.soft starts up earlier this year… and the design actually lasts three whole months… Amazing. ‘7.2.00 I don’t think I’ve ever really counted myself as a fan; I just like what I like. Although, now I come to think about it, I did go through a phase of thinking that I could marry a certain pop star. Hey, I was eleven. (If you want to know who it was, tell me why you need to know and I’ll see…)’
To add some meat to the bones of my lazy meta-blogging I chatted with Meg on Friday about her first post, not.so.soft and redesigns… ‘That’s not actually the first weblog post ever, though – there’s a text file somewhere for half of january – but february was the first attempt at designing it. And although my blogging style has changed enormously since I began, that first post eerily echoes forward to a lot of what I do nowadays – I make a statement, provide a link, relate it to me and then ask for feedback. The difference now is that people actually write to me when I prompt them to – and I love it. :o)’ 17 November 2000
[weblogs] Don Hon’s Blogtrumps. Collect the Set! Jason Kottke vs. Matt Webb ‘ Hair is actually blue as it is travelling faster than light and therefore blueshifted. Can travel in time.’
15 November 2000
[blogs] The New Yorker article on weblogging is on the web… ‘One day, I met Meg and Jason for breakfast. Jason, who is twenty-seven, is tall, with short hair and sideburns; he was wearing jeans and a Princess Mononoke T-shirt. She ordered a tofu scramble and soy latte, he had real eggs.‘
10 November 2000
[weblogs] Another first post from a weblog…. LukeLog kicks off with… ‘Well, it’s happened. Thanks to the exhortations of Meg, I’m now a bloggin’ machine. Git on up! So this is the first post. Welcome to my *tiny* world. Next stop? I’m moving to more refined digs soon.’
8 November 2000
[uk weblogs] It’s moving day on gb.weblogs.com… the recently updated UK weblogs list is moving to over to it’s new home on GBLogs [there’s a link to a floating pop up version on this page]. Big thanks to Jen.
6 November 2000
[weblogs] First posts from weblogs. Number 1 in a series…. Barbelith… Tom starts as he means to go on…‘I am unemployed, almost completely out of money, single and love-free, my flat is a disaster area and I can’t seem to get a handle on the redesign of Barbelith. Still, mustn’t «KVETCH».’
27 October 2000
[uk weblogs] Excellent, new, [at least to me] UK weblog: Cabin Pressure. ‘you should be thinking about how lucky you are. you work in a warm womblike office for a boss that does not get too heavy with you and you have a work load that is easily manageable. you get a computer on your desk that is yours alone and you get access to the internet. you get to download what you want when you want, you get to mess about with new packages for days on end without producing results, you get to wear what you want. your father and your father’s father would have killed for your job. you should be thinking about how lucky you are but you’re probably not.’
16 October 2000
10 October 2000
[weblogs] weblogs.com redesigns. Not sure if I like it… weblogs is part of my daily surfing routine so any changes looks weird… however, Webloging in the UK remains the same.
5 October 2000
[weblogs] It’s as easy as falling off a weblog — Guardian Unlimited takes a look at weblogs… ‘Only in the past year has software been developed which allows people to get blogging with the minimum of know-how: Blogger, the most celebrated of these, has just celebrated its first birthday and its 40,000th user. But although Pyra, the company that created it, is rightly praised for increasing the number of webloggers, Blogger has also spawned “link-sluts” – cliquey, second-generation webloggers who link to better blogs in the hope of a link in return. Despite Blogger’s impressive figures, the number of quality weblogs hasn’t quite reached critical mass.’
4 October 2000
[rate my blog!!] I’ve tried to resist the temptation, honest — go rate LinkMachineGo…
28 September 2000
[the originals] In the beginning… there were only three Brit weblogs that I was aware of… Bifurcated Rivets, Barbelith and Daily Doozer… Doozer vanished earlier this year and there was much wailing, gnashing of teeth and pointless hitting of the RELOAD button… until today… Doozer is back… with a new design and name: extenuating circumstances. ‘There’s a few other reasons as well: how could I honestly stand back while the rest of the UK blogger community got their fame on Radio 4 and the Evening Standard? Or when my brother got interviewed by .net magazine? Exactly. Piece of the pie for me now, please. Oooh, and this whole weblogging lark is wonderful.’ Excellent news. Somebody give that man his pie right now….
27 September 2000
[seethru.co.uk] Attachments — The weblog verdict is in. Notsosoft: “It was quite simply the fact that is was just shite.”. One Day Soon: “Let me just come straight out with it: I actually quite liked it.”. LukeLog: “There’s nothing here a bunch of Prozac and TV for Dummies books won’t fix.” Cuckoo Kid: “I just finished watching Attachments and I have to say it was like a foil wrapped turd: flashy but still a turd.” Prolific 2000: “Who wants to watch a series about an internet company (Attachments, BBC2) when you work in one yourself?”
26 September 2000
[british weblogs] Just noticed this BritBlogs webring… ‘BritBlogs was created on 16 September 2000 because I didn’t find any webrings which were for British blogs, there were webrings for Austrailian blogs, and Candian Blogs, not for British blogs… So here it is…!’
17 September 2000
[uk weblogs] Blue Lines returns. Better than ever. ‘The current affairs content of this page has been low recently, because while incidents such as doctors getting attacked by illiterate mobs who couldn’t tell the difference between a paediatrician and a paedophile hold a certain black humour value, they’re also symptomatic of what a fucking depressing Summer it’s been for anyone of vaguely liberal leanings.’
16 September 2000
[weblogs] Linus, Bill and Steve have an amusing Newbie Blog Chat… ‘BillGates34: My blog is named Blog O’ Bill, in case you guys wanna link me. It’s an acronym…..B.O.B. ….it spells Bob. A guy’s name. Cool, eh? SteveJobsMac: Um….yeah, Einstein. Real cool. Except that your name isn’t Bob. Correct me if I’m wrong. BillGates34: Sheeesh…it’s just a joke. Lighten up, dude. Hey…what browsers do you guys use? I use IE :) LinusTorvalds69: DUH!! SteveJobsMac: DUH!!’
12 September 2000
[weblogs] blogger.com covers How to publicize your blog.
11 September 2000
[tv] seethru.co.uk goes live… reads a bit like a weblog “music – wit – no shit my personal Internet filter” But it’s not. It’s a manufactured website for the new TV series Attachments.
10 September 2000
9 September 2000
[weblogs] Getting blogged everywhere — Rebbeca Blood talks about the rise of weblogs. ‘Dell manages more webpages than all of the weblogs put together. Sprite’s PR machine can point more man-hours to the promotion of one message–“Obey Your Thirst”–than the combined man-hours of every weblogger alive. Our strength–that each of us speaks in an individual voice of an individual vision–is, in the high-stakes world of carefully orchestrated messages designed to distract and manipulate, a liability. We are, very simply, outnumbered.’ [One Word: Linux]
1 September 2000
[ukblogs] Blog On For an Ego Trip — The Evening Standard covers weblogs in the UK. [via plasticbag.org]
31 August 2000
[weblogs] Linking 1-2-3 — some ideas on how to find interesting and useful links. [Discusses tech links, but the the same principles apply — especially if you do a “link heavy” weblog like LMG]
28 August 2000
12 August 2000
8 August 2000
[uk weblogs] Okay. I’m not working today. It’s raining. I’ve got nothing to do till five o’clock… let’s surf some GBBlogs: notsosoft redesigns. Bloglet finds that williamhague.com has unexpected content. KitchBitch wonders if engagements are the new relationships and LukeLog premiers the Crack Whore Fistmonkeys Of Doom?.
6 August 2000
[weblogs] And just like that, she was naked.
3 August 2000
[comics] Bugpowder — Another excellent comics weblog. [via Blue Lines]
2 August 2000
[weblogs] Amusingly written weblog — torrez.org — While I’ll be a really bad father and The Evolution of a Weblogger in the Year 2000 ‘The reason, of course, is that I’ve been that typical male. I’ve talked my way into their beds while their parents slept, blissfully unaware that that Torrez kid, the one who was on his way to Berkeley as a computer science major, had 20 megs of porn on his hard drive (note: this was back when both porn and hard drives were rather small. 20 megs translates to roughly 93.3 gigabytes today). That Torrez kid was not too drunk to drive, nor was he about to have surgery, nor was his penis going to fall off if it didn’t receive its daily massage.’
1 August 2000
[weblogs] Cool Beans…. The Haddock Directory is back.
27 July 2000
[comics] C-Log — a weblog about comics…
16 July 2000
[weblogs] Excellent weblog: Follow Me Here. “‘You can only tell the shapes of things by looking at their edges…’ Some weblogs are about weblogs and weblogging; others about the web and computing; my kind is still about the world. Follow me to some of its “sharp edges” as found on the web. “
13 July 2000
[some random blog] I read somewhere that a smelly dot company swaps embarrassing stories with a taxi ride from a cokehead. I was thinking that when the scooby snack loves, the herbal remedy leaves. I read somewhere that the mobile phone seldom buys an new techy toy from a radioactive screensaver. An impromptu mouse gets RSI, and an umbrella about the internet magazine redesigns. But, the outer microprocessor blogs with some lover. An unstable domain remembers a domain inside some uber-geek, and a domain around some weblog works for a fuck-buddy. Oh, and hey, check out notsosoft sometime. You might like it.
11 July 2000
[random weblogs] Doozer has left the building. Trying to fill the gap I find: Irish Weblogs… Not-so-Soft talks about the electronic traces you leave behind [She is right… Check out a Google search on: Darren S********], Lukelog blogs foreskins and finally, Blue Lines covers the horror that is sports lessons… “I’m am amazed that this survey can come as a shock to anyone. Doubly amazed that more words like ‘humiliating’, ‘demeaning’ and ‘crushing’ weren’t used as well as the typical ‘tedious’ and ‘boring’. Fuck Vogue and Ally McBeal, compulsory team sports has screwed up more people’s self image than a billion starved models.”
7 July 2000
[weblogs] It’s not everyday I get a email from a fictional character…. but Dark Currents is different…. Recommended. “I’m Random Person sometimes I’m known as Sam Hedgblot and I’m nearly 18. I’m dead. Surprisingly I’m still able to type.”
5 July 2000
30 June 2000
[ukblogs] Daily Doozer went linkcrazy yesterday…
18 June 2000
[weblogs] Short Term Memory Loss — blogging from India. “Is this the first blog from the Himalayas? Vashisht is the name of this village, and it is all the superlatives you have ever heard about India. Particularly the smelly, dirty hippy ones. But also sun, sights and smells.”
16 June 2000
[weblogging in the UK!] Daily Doozer has more details on the PCFormat article.
[weblogging in the UK] UK blogging gets attention from PCFormat computer magazine…
13 June 2000
[weblogs] How can I have missed UberSearch? [yet another weblog search engine]
22 May 2000
[weblogging in the UK!] A list of UK Based Weblogs from Threadnaught.
19 May 2000
[weblogs] The Taking of RiotHero 1 2 3: “Way back in the mists of time, there was a country called England, which was known for conquering things, drinking tea and having rural areas where the locals indulged in carnal acts with lesser species (or their close families).” [Tom and Katy have taken over Riothero for the weekend. Should be interesting…]
17 May 2000
[weblogs] Two weblogs that keep me hitting the “F5” key — Not So Soft and Metafilter.
11 May 2000
[weblogs] Barbelith reviews top eight weblogs. [Voice in head: Must… find… online… personality…]
8 May 2000
[weblogs] Interview with Jorn Barger – Portrait Of The Blogger As A Young Man . “I try to make it my ethic that whenever I see something that I enjoy, I don’t filter. You know, if it’s some silly thing about a TV commercial, I won’t say, well, that’s too frivolous.”
[uk weblogs] UK weblogs I’m currently eyeballing: Blue Lines, not so Soft, SK², Vavatch Orbital and Nutlog along with the old stalwards: Barbelith and The Daily Doozer.
[weblogs] USS Catastrophe — a weblog about comics…