[zines] The BugPowder Zine Archive … Pete Ashton is scanning and cataloging his large collection of zines. Here’s a post on the the story of the project and a timeline. … ‘From 1988 to the mid 2000s I amassed a collection of roughly 4,000 self published comics and zines, mostly from the UK small press comics scenes but also from across the world covering all manner of subjects. Most of them are photocopied or printed in very short runs, usually under 100 copies. Many of them are hand-finished with personal touches. During the 1990s I ran a review zine, TRS, and a mail order distro, BugPowder. This meant that on top of the many zines I was buying for myself, hundreds of people sent me unsolicited copies of their zines for review or sale…’

Bugpowder Zine Covers

The Bugpowder Zine Archive

This entry was posted on Monday, September 16th, 2024 at 11:45 am and is filed under Comics, Uncategorized.

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