[polictics] What Have Fourteen Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain?… A powerful look at what years of Tory leadership have done to Britain. ‘In the accident theory of Brexit, leaving the E.U. has turned out to be a puncture rather than a catastrophe: a falloff in trade; a return of forgotten bureaucracy with our near neighbors; an exodus of financial jobs from London; a misalignment in the world. “There is a sort of problem for the British state, including Labour as well as all these Tory governments since 2016, which is that they are having to live a lie,” as Osborne, who voted Remain, said. “It’s a bit like tractor-production figures in the Soviet Union. You have to sort of pretend that this thing is working, and everyone in the system knows it isn’t.” The other view sees Brexit as an unfinished revolution…’

What Has Fourteen Years Of Tory Leadership Done To The UK?

This entry was posted on Monday, June 10th, 2024 at 11:45 am and is filed under Politics.

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