[moore] Fantasy Must Be Sharper: An Interview With Alan Moore ‘Davey Jones is a genius. I’ve only ever had brief contact with him, back in the 80s when he was working with an anarchist concern called, I think, Blast and I was briefly in touch with them and then I noticed his work coming out in Viz where he’s the author of so many of my favourite strips. I’m genuinely impressed that there’s such an incredible standard of craftsmanship throughout Viz, blinding cartoonists, writers, and creators on that book. I must admit that the only problem I have with Jones’ work – and it’s not any fault of his, it’s purely me – it’s Tin Ribs; the ghastly physical torture that is visited on Mr Snodgrass. Every issue he’s having slices of his skin ripped off [laughs] it’s a bit rich even for my blood!’

One Moore Interview…

This entry was posted on Monday, November 21st, 2022 at 9:16 am and is filed under Alan Moore, Books, Comics.

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