[conspiracy] How a Liberal Scholar of Conspiracy Theories Became the Subject of a Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory … The odd tale of how an academic studying conspiracy theories became one. ‘More prevalent, and more bewildering, are the ambiguous cases-a subtly altered photograph, an accurate but misleading statistic, a tendentious connection among disparate dots. Between the publication of “ 2.0” and “#Republic,” Sunstein became a target of the same online rumor mill he’d been studying from a distance, and many of the conspiracy theories about “Conspiracy Theories” fell into this gray area-overheated, but not wholly made up. “If you had told me that this obscure paper would ever become such a publicly visible and objectionable thing, I would have thought it more likely that Martians had just landed in Times Square,” Sunstein said. “In hindsight, though, I suppose it’s sort of appropriate that I got caught up in the mechanisms I was writing about.”’

How an Academic Studying Conspiracy Theories Became One

This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 17th, 2018 at 2:05 pm and is filed under Conspiracy.

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