[comics] Peter Bagge’s Neat Stuff paved the way for Hate-and the ’90s alt-comics boom … looking back at Peter Bagge’s Neat Stuff … ‘What was always great about Neat Stuff-and what makes those comics so exciting to read even today-is that they had the look of something disposable, but with a sneaky level of ambition and depth. One panel at a time, Bagge pulls readers into the lives of the Leeways or the Bradley family, taking what seems like tossed-off humor pieces and gradually revealing an uncanny understanding of human nature and the realities of modern American life. It’s no coincidence that Simpsons creator Matt Groening provided a quote for the cover of the first Bradleys book collection back in 1989. He recognized in Neat Stuff a kindred spirit…’

Looking Back at Peter Bagge’s Neat Stuff

This entry was posted on Friday, August 26th, 2016 at 12:45 pm and is filed under Comics.

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