[serial] The ‘Serial’ Ending Never Belonged to Us, or Even to Adnan – It Was Koenig’s All Along … Another article on the conclusion of Serial … ‘But the most heartbreaking thing about “Serial” -and what made it so uncannily engrossing in the wake of Eric Garner and Michael Brown – is its portrayal of a system that is more powerful than it is fair. Yes, it’d be satisfying to know if Adnan did it, and if he didn’t, who did. But the more interesting question-and the scarier one, too-is how he ended up in jail despite nobody being sure, beyond the shadow of a doubt, if he was guilty.’

More Thoughts On The Conclusion of Serial

This entry was posted on Monday, December 22nd, 2014 at 12:43 pm and is filed under Serial, True Crime.

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