[books] The War for Catch-22 … A look at the genesis of Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 … ‘The Czech writer ArnoÅ¡t Lustig claimed that Heller had told him at a New York party for Milos Forman in the late 1960s that he couldn’t have written Catch-22 without first reading Jaroslav HaÅ¡ek’s unfinished World War I satire,The Good Soldier Schweik. In HaÅ¡ek’s novel, a mad state bureaucracy traps a hapless man. Among other things, he stays in a hospital for malingerers and serves as an orderly for an army chaplain.’

The Genesis Of Catch-22

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 20th, 2011 at 8:56 am and is filed under Books, War.

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