[lmg] Ten Years Of Link Blogging … Ten years and 5407 posts to be exact – I did it. As we say on the internets: OMFG! w00t! FTMFW!

Veni, Vidi, Blog.
This entry was posted on Thursday, March 4th, 2010 at 8:00 am and is filed under LMG.
« ‘Sometimes you wonder, in an interconnected universe, who’s dreaming who?’ Underskin, Braniac Has No Time For Love, Superhero Headquarters »
Congratulations from someone who, in my early days of ‘blogging’ (spit – I still hate that word), lifted far far too many links from LinkMachineGo. And who has recently started doing so again on my Tumblr. Deja vu.
P.S. Post #2438 was a classic. I remember it well.
Well done there. I’m tagging stuff from you to del.icio.us still with nervous frequency.
Old skool!
Congratulations. We should have a party for everyone who is ten this year.
Congratulations, where would we be if it wasn’t for your blog:)
well played good sir, well played.
A fine achievement. I salute your consistency!
I remember/back in my day/all fields/young people/don’t know they’re born etc etc
To another ten!
Congratulations on ten years of excellent linkblogging; keep up the good work.
Good work – well done that man.
Here’s to another 10 – call it what you will, it’s still interesting and that’s what counts.
This blogging lark will never catch on. (Well done!)
Well done you! There’s just something straightforward and unfussy about this site that I enjoy. Hurrah etc.
Congratulations! This was the first ‘weblog’ I ever discovered, and it led me into a whole galaxy of nerditude I have yet to return from. Here’s to another 10!
You stuck it out much longer than I, amazing. I keep thinking about starting again, but haven’t progressed beyond the thinking part. Cheers!
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