[movies] Ridley Scott Has Finally Created the Blade Runner He Always Imagined — Ridley Scott on the absolutely, positively, Final Cut of Blade Runner‘The director’s cut removed the voice-over and that silly ending and put in the unicorn daydream, but the disc didn’t look that great. And it should look great, because Blade Runner at the time was pretty formidable – it’s pretty formidable even now, actually. A lot of people don’t notice whether they’re watching something beautifully technical or not, but it’s important to me. So that always got in the way of the director’s cut being the final version. I think it’s final now because I’ve done all the nips and tucks and tidied up one or two of the visual areas that we couldn’t do properly at the time because we didn’t have the technology.’

Ridley Scott on Blade Runner

This entry was posted on Monday, October 1st, 2007 at 8:43 am and is filed under Blade Runner, Movies.

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1 Comment

I read a bit about the Final Cut disc and I’m excited about this release, this is a wonderful Q/A with ridley scott by the way and it gives me alot of good insight about this DVD. been a fan of Blade Runner since I first saw it in the early 90s.

Have any of you come across the “Inspiring the future” website? It’s an official site for the Final Cut dvd where people have uploaded a ton of fan art or art that was just inspired by the movie, there is also literature, music & some other cool things as well and you get to vote for them.

Check out it’s a great way to check out fan art for the movie

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