[wikipedia] My Wikipedia Contrail: Tox‘Tox is a prolific and widely known graffiti tagger on the London Underground, active since 2000. His simple tags TOX 02, TOX 03, TOX 04 etc., in the style of TAKI 183, can be seen many hundreds of times across above-ground sections of the network in Central London, particularly the Metropolitan Line.’

My Wikipedia Contrail: Tox

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 12th, 2007 at 8:01 am and is filed under London, Wikipedia.

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I actually had the pleasure of teaching Mr Halpern at Feltham Young Offenders Institute, where I briefly taught a few years ago. I believe he’d violated the terms of his ASBO by, er, continuing to spray “TOX” all over the place, so in retribution he was was given a three-month jail term.

He was a sullen, solitary, overweight chap, clearly not enjoying being surrounded by young robbers, murderers and drug dealers.

I genuinely believe he has some kind of mental disorder which compels him to tag anything and everything within reach – even the desks and classroom walls of a youth prison weren’t immune to “TOX ’04” written half an inch high in permanent marker.

chop his hands off he has cost train users thousands

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