[tv] Face Facts — Charlie Brooker on Nicky Hambleton-Jones: ‘She’s slightly synthetic and ethereal; the ghost of a listless graphic designer. Weirder still, for someone fronting a show about facelifts, her own face is almost entirely featureless. She looks like Mrs Spoon from Button Moon. She looks like a baby new potato in glasses. She looks like Michael Jackson’s mugshot snap. But most of all she looks like a Crayola sketch drawn by a very very stupid child. There’s a Ten Years Younger spin-off book in the shops right now: the front cover features a simple cartoon drawing of Nicky Hambleton-Jones, and curiously, it looks more like her than her actual photo does. She’s a freak. How DARE she tell other people what to do with their faces when she hasn’t grown one of her own?’

Charlie Brooker on Nicky Hambleton-Jones

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 10th, 2005 at 5:43 am and is filed under TV.

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What do we do but keep it up and keep smiling?

oh my gosh are you blind! Nicky is the most georgeous person i know, she has great clothes and i bet you can’t match her physique. look in the mirror before you diss her. She is not a your eyes to the real world

She’s beautifuly charismatic. there’s something about her that means you just can’t take your eyes off her. She has gorgeous eyes, a beautiful face, a figure to kill for, and a great fashion sense to match. Plus I am going to the opticians for a check up next week and if they say I need new glasses I am taking a picture of Nicky with me and I want her EXACT glasses. so few people can pull off glasses and still look sexy but she totally does it!!!

she is sexy and i love it when she wears sexy boots and high heels

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