[blogs] Anil Dash‘A few weeks ago, I had started an entry with the phrase, “Though I work in the weblog industry…” and I had done so mainly as a tongue-in-cheek joke about how seriously the blogosphere takes itself. I was talking to Matt a few days later and he told me he’d pictured me coming up from the weblog coal mines, covered in soot, bringing home the permalinks. But I had time to think about it since then, and to talk to a lot of people about where weblogs are going, not just what they’re doing now and what we’ve done so far. And I realized that, maybe a year from now, there will be a weblog industry, and not just the few scattered groups of friends and colleagues that I’ve watched building tools and technologies and companies over the years.’ [Related: Ext|Circ Linkblogs the Typepad Announcement]

Anil Dash on the Weblog Industry

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003 at 5:36 pm and is filed under Blogs.

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