Image of Cerebus: 'Die alone, unmourned and unloved?'[comics] A Chat With Dave Sim. Creator of Cerebus [Part 1 | Part 2] — from Cerebus Fangirl … Dave Sim’s Life: ‘I work six days a week. I’m up at 6 a.m. and I’m usually at work by 7:30 a.m. I usually work until 6 p.m. I pray five times a day. I read the newspaper for two hours. I go to bed. Sunday, when I’m not sleeping I’m reading aloud from the Torah, the Gospels and the Koran, a big chunk of each. [laughs] The only “dirt” I could come up with is Friday night I go out to a bar which, apart from me, is exclusively inhabited by university students. I drink two, three or four beers and I look at dozens of amazingly, dazzlingly, astonishingly pretty young girls – each more amazing, dazzling and astonishing than the last – for all of whom I am completely and mercifully invisible. I look until I think my eyeballs will bleed. Around 1 a.m., when some of the amazingly, dazzlingly, astonishingly pretty young girls have had a little too much to drink and it becomes obvious that I’m becoming visible to some of them, I go home.’

Dave Sim’s Life

This entry was posted on Friday, April 11th, 2003 at 5:36 pm and is filed under Comics, Dave Sim.

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“I’m still waiting for a response which refutes my carefully developed argument in ‘Tangent.’… It is my rational observations on why feminism doesn’t and can’t work and complete radio silence on the other side.”

There is a difference between a silence that means Dave’s Tangent is irrefutable and a silence that means Dave has become irrelevant. If Dave’s ego didn’t exist, he’d have to use his “male light” and invent it.

Sometimes I feel sad over my loss that I once actually _cared_ about reading Cerebus and looked forward to reading through issue 300.

Agreed…sometime after Mothers & Daughters, the comic started to run off the rails. I had hoped Sim would close with a storyline that compares with his work from High Society to M&D, but right now it’s not looking good.

I have to admit I barely picked up on what he was really saying the first time around when reading Reads. I had a hard time not skipping parts or taking any of it seriously. It bored the hell out of me mostly. I was buying the trade paperbacks out of habit, but I wasn’t reading them and now I don’t even buy them.

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