[bb3] When the Going Gets Tough, the Toughs Get Going — some interesting comments on Big Brother 3

‘It seems significant that, while this series of Big Brother has seen the most actual sex (that gory little escapade under the covers between PJ and Jade), it’s the ongoing aura of violence (the hostility, aggression and glowering resentment) that has been truly riveting. We might not like to admit it, but it is human nature to crane one’s neck towards an argument – we are all magnetically attracted to trouble, be it obvious (the chair-smashing ruck in the pub), or subtle (the backstabbing feud in the office). While I, for one, found it repulsive and tedious watching idiots like BB 2’s Helen and Paul leadenly flirt with each other, the anger whirling around in BB 3 somehow seems more honest, the resentment intoxicating, the unique misery of Other People impossible to fake.’

Even More on Big Brother

This entry was posted on Sunday, June 23rd, 2002 at 11:48 am and is filed under Big Brother, TV.

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Also the fact that they’re *all* twats, and anything thereafter is a matter of degree. Not that anything’s changed since last year or the year before on that front…

like last year, I am following it all from afar on this Guardian talk thread

I wasn’t looking forward to this year’s edition – I hate the ‘look at me I want to be famous’ aura that all the contestants give off every year.. I agree with Robyn, they are *all* twats, but the rich/poor divide has spiced things up wonderfully. 3 years on though, and there *still* hasn’t been anything resembling an intellectual conversation in the house.. why do we celebrate the vapid so much?!!?

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