[comics] Through the Eyes of Karen Berger — interview with Vertigo’s Executive Editor … Berger on Original Graphic Novels: ‘We’re interested in creating bodies of work that the person who’s not going into comics shops weekly – if at all – can easily pick up and enjoy as a self-contained experience. As the evolution of books from serialized reading experiences published in magazines a hundred years ago to original self-contained entities allowed greater popularity with the advent of the paperback format, it’s likely we’re going to make a similar transition, at least with a large portion of our material. It’s not an easy transition, as the industry is still built on getting your comics ‘fix’ on a weekly or monthly cycle. Kyle Baker is a good example of a creator who can build a truly great story that really can’t or shouldn’t be broken up into pieces. It’s a thing as a whole and that’s the only really good way to absorb it.’

Interview with Karen Berger

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 2nd, 2002 at 11:05 am and is filed under Comics.

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