[must read] Salon reviews James Ellroy’s The Cold Six Thousand‘Ellroy once called himself “the greatest crime novelist who ever lived,” and then wrote books like “The Black Dahlia,” “The Big Nowhere” and “L.A. Confidential” to prove it. Now he wants to sit with the grown-ups, and if they don’t make room at the table he’s going to tip it over. One way or another, he means to make it, and on his own terms. “Fuck being a crime novelist when you can be a flat-out great novelist,” he once told me — there never being a doubt in his mind that being either one was merely a matter of choice, of will. Ellroy took risks.’ [Related: Cold Six Thousand at Amazon]

Review of James Ellroy’s The Cold Six Thousand

This entry was posted on Monday, July 30th, 2001 at 7:19 pm and is filed under Books, James Ellroy.

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