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March 31, 2006 [apple] Steve Jobs' Best Quotes Ever ... 'It's better to be a pirate than to join the Navy.' March 30, 2006 [quotes] Top 87 Bad Predictions about the Future ... Darryl Zanuck: 'Television won't last because people will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.' March 29, 2006 [comics] The Dave's Long Box 1st Anniversary Spectacular! -- Dave rounds up some classic posts from Year One of one of the best comic blogs around. ... 'A look at the phenomenon of Power Girl's breasts pulled in a lot of hits, and to this day is probably my most frequently visited post. I attribute its popularity more to masturbating geeks on Google than to quality writing - as of now I am the #1 search result on Google for "power girl boobs." I can live with that.' March 28, 2006 [tv] Welcome to Eltingville - Bring me the Head of Boba Fett -- an animated Cartoon Network pilot (uploaded to youtube) adapted by Evan Dorkin from his comics. March 27, 2006 March 26, 2006 [books] Harper Lee Tops Librarians' Must-Read List -- the librarians were asked: Which book should every adult read before they die? [gross] My Eyeball Just Fell Out of Its Socket -- What should you do? ... 'The treatment for globe luxation is pretty simple: Doctors apply some topical painkillers, hold back your lashes, and poke your eyeball into its socket by pressing on the white part with gloved fingers. (In some cases, they'll use a simple tool like a bent paperclip to shoehorn it back into place.)' March 25, 2006 [advertising] Teachers bemoan curse of the 'Lynx effect' ... 'Dozens of teachers have complained to the Times Educational Supplement online staffroom about the menace of the "Lynx effect" - teenage armpits doused in the stuff. Messages indicate that although the Lynx habit often starts in primary school, 13-year-olds are the worst culprits. The potent aroma even drives some staff to open windows when pupils return from PE, because they find it hard to breathe.' [politics] Nutkin and the Nobles -- Simon Hoggart visits the House of Lords as they discuss Squirrels ... 'Lord Redesdale was one of the few peers to have even one kindly word for the "predatory" [grey squirrel]. They were friendly little animals, he said, and would eat crisps out of your hand. In Regent's Park, "a grey squirrel climbed up my trouser leg to look into my pocket". I can remember when politicians of all parties used to pay guardsmen a shiny half-crown to perform that service. Now, in these more censorious days, they're reduced to furry rodents.' March 24, 2006 [tv] Random fact about Jack Bauer ... 'It's no use crying over spilt milk... Unless that was Jack Bauer's milk. Oh you are so screwed.' [ning] Snakes on a Plane Quote Tracker -- suggest dialog for upcoming film Snakes on a March 23, 2006 [comics] Steve Bell's Page on Comment is Free -- Bell on The History of If: 'What the strip was actually about is a mystery shrouded in the mists of time, as is the fate of most political satire. At first each day presented a different proposition, for instance: "If... God was a Social Democrat" (this being the time when the SDP broke away from the Labour Party), or "If... Stockbrokers were made of rubber", but this device proved so laboured and expensive in terms of effort...' March 22, 2006 [firefox] Firefox 'Causes' Relationship Breakup ... 'She installed Firefox for herself, and happened to need to edit the list of sites to never save passwords for. She quickly realized that he had been visiting dating sites in secret, and was also able to determine that he was still an active member of some of the sites. As one might expect, this led to a breakup. Should the Firefox uninstaller offer to delete profile data...?' March 21, 2006 [soundboard] IT Crowd Soundboard: 'Computers Broken.' [comics] List of the Religions of Comic Book Characters ... 'J. Jonah Jameson, Religious Affiliation: Hates Spider-Man' [via Haddock] March 20, 2006 [game] The Falling Sand Game -- a massively time wasting Java game - this wikipedia article describes how you can play it. March 19, 2006 [comics] Long Alan Moore Interview by Heidi McDonald [Part 1| Part 2] ... 'I wouldn't like to claim I was being prescient but that said, it is pretty clear that I have a direct line to God and I know every moment of the future before it happens. [laughter]' March 18, 2006 [comics] The Vendetta Behind 'V for Vendetta' -- another article on Vendetta and Alan Moore from the NYT ... '[Moore] resides in the sort of home that every gothic adolescent dreams of, one furnished with a library of rare books, antique gold-adorned wands and a painting of the mystical Enochian tables used by Dr. John Dee, the court astrologer of Queen Elizabeth I. He shuns comic-book conventions, never travels outside England and is a firm believer in magic as a "science of consciousness." "I am what Harry Potter grew up into," he said, "and it's not a pretty sight." Actually, he more closely resembles the boy-wizard's half-giant friend Hagrid...' [via BeaucoupKevin] [comics] D for Vendetta -- Wired News Review ... 'From the start, Larry and Andy Wachowski, the Matrix brothers, pack Vendetta with literary, religious, political and pop culture references: the Sex Pistols and The Girl From Ipanema, The Count of Monte Cristo and Beethoven, Twelfth Night and Benny Hill.' March 17, 2006 [funny] Must Love Jaws -- what if Sheriff Brody learned to love Jaws?... 'Love comes to the surface.' [via BeaucoupKevin] [comics] Jonathan Ross reviews V for Vendetta: 'Despite postponing the release date from last November to allow more time for post-production work, the film looks cheap and lacks any sense of time or place. Throw in Matrix veteran James McTeigue's flat direction and you have a woeful, depressing failure. If it had been called V for Vasectomy I could scarcely have found it a less enjoyable experience...' [via Haddock] [history] Boy's Pancake Breakfast Delayed the End of WWII -- Proving that the path of human history does not run smoothly when teenagers are involved in the process... 'On Aug. 14, 1945, [Thomas] Jones, a 16-year-old messenger in Washington, D.C., was entrusted to deliver to the White House the cable announcing Japan's surrender to the United States to end World War II. Unaware of his cargo's import, the boy, in cavalier teenage fashion, put work on hold to eat pancakes at a diner, hang out with his friends and flirt with waitresses. Later, he left his pancakes to complete the job only to be pulled over en route to the White House by a police officer, who berated the boy for making an illegal U-turn...' March 16, 2006 March 15, 2006 [web] Google in 20 Years Time ... 'On top of the fridge, right where you left them...' [via Sore Eyes] March 14, 2006 [blogs] Comment is Free -- major new blog launch from the Guardian - it has the day's If cartoon from Steve Bell at the bottom of the page! (Any chance of an official Steve Bell RSS Feed?) ... 'Welcome to Comment is free, the first collective comment blog by a British newspaper website. It will incorporate all the regular Guardian and Observer main commentators, many blogging for the first time, who will be joined by a host of outside contributors - politicians, academics, writers, scientists, activists and of course existing bloggers to debate, argue and occasionally agree on the issues of the day.' March 13, 2006 [blogs] 18 Ways for Blogger to Beef Up ... 'The dearth of tagging and categories has become to Google's Blogger what the lack of commenting was to Pyra's Blogger -- a monument to antiquity!' [via Robot Wisdom] March 12, 2006 [books] The Man Who Hated Pooh ... 'The biggest regret in EH Shepard's life was agreeing to illustrate Winnie the Pooh for AA Milne, as it resulted in the bulk of his work, even during his lifetime, being completely overshadowed. In his later years, Shepard was heard to describe Pooh as "that silly old bear" and resented his close identification with Milne's books...' March 11, 2006 [comics] Nostalgic Superman Montage Trailer -- looks like part of the build up for Superman Returns. [via Metafilter] March 10, 2006 [cats] From Dave's Long Box: The Most Bad-Ass Cat Ever. March 09, 2006 [comics] Alan Moore interview available on BBC2 Website -- basically a "beginners interview" with Alan Moore but worth watching. [tv] Deal or No Deal Fanatics -- weblog covering Noel Edmunds popular new gameshow on Channel 4 ... 'Over weeks of watching DOND it has become clear to me that those who attach emotions and dreams to the success of their play, seem to fair less well compared to those who can remain detached and unemotional. This reminded me of a couple of texts I read many years ago, one by Sun Wu, the other by Shinmen Musashi...' [via Feeling Listless] [comics] Reminder: Alan Moore Interview on BBC2 Tonight at 7.00pm -- According to the Alan Moore Fan Site Jonathan Ross and Iain Sinclair are to make contributions... March 08, 2006 [blogs] Blogging book competition hots up -- shortlist for Blogger Book Prize includes Belle de Jour and eggbaconchipsandbeans ... Russell Davies: '"I was looking for something to blog about that was not a picture of a cat," Mr Davies told the BBC News website, explaining his choice of subject matter. "I'm drawn to a full English," he said, referring to the colloquial term for a fried breakfast.' March 07, 2006 [web] Top 11 Worst Firefox Extensions ... '6. SoundOfCher - Embeds an annoying Cher midi file on every page you visit. Up to 60 different tunes!' [comics] BeaucoupKevin looks at the origin of the Silver Age Lex Luthor ... 'Pay attention to Luthor's dialogue immediately after the accident. He's furious at Superboy for fucking up the experiment. His going bald is completely secondary to the fact that he was trying to do a brother a solid and got bitten in the ass for his troubles.' [science] Operation Manky Garden -- I'm not going to explain this link. Just go read... ![]() March 06, 2006 [comics] The Random Chick Tract Generator -- Is it just me or do Random Jack Chick Comics make more sense than real ones? [via Progressive Ruin] March 03, 2006 [comics] Alan Moore to be interviewed on the BBC2's Culture Show next Week -- Thursday 9th March at 7:00pm ... 'A rare TV interview with Alan Moore, the unsung genius of British writers, and acclaimed author of the graphic novels V for Vendetta and Watchmen' [thanks Graybo] [comics] '$1m a minute to film? No problem' -- Neil Gaiman discusses the relationship between comics and movies ... 'Last week an interviewer asked me whether I thought that the recent success of superhero movies meant that we might see a world in which comics that don't include the capes-and- tights brigade might also have a chance at making it onto the silver screen. "You mean comics like Road to Perdition, Ghost World, Men in Black, A History of Violence, Sin City, From Hell, American Splendor...?"' [ukblogs] On The Power Of Blankets -- Tom Reynolds on why a blanket is like a E.M.T's towel ... 'Doing CPR on the floor for an extended period of time can be wearing on your knees - a folded blanket makes a nice cushion to rest on while pounding away on some dead person's chest.' March 01, 2006 [web] Google Users: I Can Quit Anytime -- could you go cold turkey on Google? ... 'Six days a week, Shari Thurow spends copious amounts of time conducting searches on Google. But each Saturday, she makes a point of observing a "Google-free day." The rules are simple: Use any search engine except for Google. In practice, however, the policy is surprisingly difficult to implement...'